C2 Montréal international conference receives Government of Canada funding for its 13th edition

News release

Montréal-based organization obtains $750,000 in financial assistance from CED.

Montréal, Quebec, May 22, 2024Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED)

SMEs play a key role in ensuring Quebec’s economic growth. They seek to innovate and prepare for the future by enhancing their competitiveness. To this end, an event like C2 Montréal represents a unique strategic networking and learning opportunity.

That is why the Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED, today announced a $750,000 non-repayable contribution for C2 Montréal. The CED funding will allow the organization to continue supporting innovation and networking within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, thus contributing to Montréal’s reputation as a creative and innovative metropolis.

C2 Montréal is an NPO that organizes an annual event involving conferences on current topics, collaborative learning sessions and networking opportunities. This world-class event focuses on relationship building, the seizing of business opportunities and the resolution of business issues through the sharing of innovative ideas. CED’s funding will allow C2 Montréal to promote the event internationally, facilitate networking activities and support the development of workshops and master classes aimed at fostering innovation among Quebec businesses.

The Government of Canada recognizes and supports innovative businesses and organizations that are a source of pride in their communities. Quebec’s economic vitality relies on organizations with deep roots in the regional economy. Innovation is a major contributor to growth and a key asset in building a stronger, more resilient, greener and more just economy for all.


“Helping businesses grow and innovate so they can improve their competitiveness is a key priority for the Government of Canada. Through CED’s funding for C2 Montréal, we are helping to promote innovation within the entrepreneurial ecosystem and strengthen Montréal's position as a creative hub. Congratulations to the C2 Montréal team for 13 years of successful, not-to-be-missed international conferences.”

The Honourable Soraya Martinez Ferrada, Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for CED

“We are proud to contribute to our region’s international reputation and its positioning as a leader in creativity and innovation. We thank CED for its assistance and its commitment to this shared mission. Together, we can support and drive the growth of the entrepreneurial ecosystem.”

Anick Beaulieu, President, C2 Montréal

Quick facts

  • The funds have been granted under CED’s Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program. This program targets entrepreneurs leveraging innovation to grow their businesses and enhance their competitiveness, as well as regional economic stakeholders helping to create an entrepreneurial environment conducive to innovation and growth for all, across all regions.
  • In Quebec, SMEs account for 99.7% of the province’s businesses and 50% of its GDP.
  • CED is the key federal partner in Quebec’s regional economic development. With its 12 regional business offices, CED accompanies businesses, support organizations, and all the regions of Quebec into tomorrow’s economy.

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Media Relations
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

Marie-Justine Torres, Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Tourism and Minister responsible for Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
Cell: 613-327-5918

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