Bird Conservation Strategy for region 3 in Newfoundland and Labrador: priority species

Table 1a: Priority bird species in Bird Conservation Region (BCR) Strategies 3 Newfoundland (NL), population objective, and the reason for priority status.
Priority species Bird group Population objective Species at Risk Act (SARA) Return to footnote1 Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)Return to footnote2 Provincial listingReturn to footnote3 National/
Golden Eagle Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
Gray-cheeked Thrush Landbirds Assess/Maintain - - Vulnerable (VU) -
Gyrfalcon Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
Northern Wheatear Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
Peregrine Falcon (anatum/tundrius) Landbirds Assess/MaintainReturn to footnote6 Special Concern (SC) SC VU -
Rough-legged Hawk Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
Short-eared Owl Landbirds Assess/MaintainReturn to footnote6 SC SC VU -
Snow Bunting Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
Snowy Owl Landbirds Maintain current - - - -
American Golden-Plover Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Y
Least SandpiperReturn to footnote7 Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Y
Semipalmated Sandpiper Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - Y
Common Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - Y
Red-throated Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - -
Canada Goose (North Atlantic) Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - -
Harlequin Duck (Eastern) Waterfowl Assess /Maintain SC SC VU -
Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - -
Table 1b. Priority bird species in Bird Conservation Region Strategies (BCR) 3 Newfoundland (NL), population objective, and the reason for priority status.
Priority species Bird group Population objective National/
Continental stewardship
Subregional concern
Subregional stewardship
WaterfowlReturn to footnote4 Expert review Return to footnote5
Golden Eagle Landbirds Maintain current - - Yes (Y) - -
Gray-cheeked Thrush Landbirds Assess/Maintain - - - - -
Gyrfalcon Landbirds Maintain current Y - Y - -
Northern Wheatear Landbirds Maintain current Y - Y - -
Peregrine Falcon (anatum/tundrius) Landbirds Assess/MaintainReturn to footnote6 - - Y - -
Rough-legged Hawk Landbirds Maintain current Y - Y - -
Short-eared Owl Landbirds Assess/MaintainReturn to footnote6 - - - - -
Snow Bunting Landbirds Maintain current Y - - - -
Snowy Owl Landbirds Maintain current - - Y - -
American Golden-Plover Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - - -
Least SandpiperReturn to footnote7 Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - - -
Semipalmated Sandpiper Shorebirds Assess/Maintain - - - - -
Common Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - - - -
Red-throated Loon Waterbirds Assess/Maintain - - Y - -
Canada Goose (North Atlantic) Waterfowl Increase 50% - - - Eastern Habitat Joint Venture (EHJV), North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) -
Harlequin Duck (Eastern) Waterfowl Assess /Maintain - - - EHJV, NAWMP -
Long-tailed Duck Waterfowl Assess/Maintain - - - EHJV, NAWMP -

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