Using Bird Conservation Region strategies

Cover photo of the publication for BCR Strategies.


The primary aims of BCR strategies are to present Environment and Climate Change Canada’s priorities with respect to migratory bird conservation, and to provide a comprehensive overview of the conservation needs of bird populations to practitioners who may then undertake activities that promote bird conservation in Canada and internationally.

To achieve these aims, BCR strategies provide landscape level information on 6 main elements of conservation including priority bird species (Element 1) and their habitat associations (Element 2), population objectives (Element 3), threats faced by priority species (Element 4), conservation objectives (Element 5) and proposed conservation actions (Element 6) to help reach the objectives. The information in the strategies is standardized across regions, integrated across species and follows widely accepted assessment methods.

Users from all levels of government, aboriginal communities, the private sector, academia, non-governmental organization (NGO)s and citizens will benefit from the information. BCR strategies can be used in many different ways depending on the needs of the user, who may focus on one or more of the elements of the strategy.

Regional-level BCR Strategies supplement national-level information, e.g., State of the Birds Report, Status of Birds website, and other conservation plans, to provide a suite of conservation planning guidance to Canadians.

Land use planning and managing the working landscape

Users in this category may choose to focus their initial attention on key habitats (Element 2) to gain an understanding of the types of habitats used by the priority indicated species (Element 1). A review of the key threats (Element 4) and conservation objectives (Element 5) would further their understanding of the types of activities that would help or hinder attaining population objectives (Element 3). Land managers would acquire the foundation for making planning decisions by consulting the strategy’s recommended actions (Element 6) to support birds and the habitats they rely on. For example, this approach could incorporate important habitats and habitat features for priority bird species in:

Protected areas planning and management

Users in this category may choose to focus on the priority species and their habitat associations (Elements 1 and 2) as indicated in the BCR strategy to identify key habitats that may warrant protection. When planning and managing protected areas (including National, provincial/territorial, municipal protected areas, easements, stewardship agreements) the relative magnitude of threats (Element 4) facing priority species would support meeting population objectives (Element 3) and may be specifically indicated in conservation recommendations (Element 6) that:

Direct species management

All users should understand that BCR strategies generally integrate conservation actions across bird species, but they also identify some species that require direct targeted intervention (Element 6), including:

Other activities contributing to bird conservation

Regulations and policy tools

Users in this category would focus on conservation priorities (Element 5) identified in BCR strategies to benefit species and habitats indicated in Elements 1 and 2 by informing and influencing:

Research and monitoring

Users in this category may choose to focus on filling information gaps identified in Element 6 (conservation actions) that:

Economic and ither incentives

Users in this category can apply the conservation objectives (Element 5) to influence activities that support a green economy that benefits priority species (Element 1) and their habitats (Element 2). For example, the strategies may be useful to guide:

Communication and outreach

Users interested in promoting the conservation of migratory birds and their habitats (as indicated in Elements 1 and 2) can use the recommendations in the remaining elements to build a conservation communications plan. Encouraging communication would support implementation of the recommended actions (Element 6) in BCR strategies and could be facilitated by communication efforts that:

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