Module 4 - Capture, kill, injure and/or harass migratory birds, damage, destroy, remove and/or disturb nests and/or destroy, take and/or disturb eggs for scientific or educational purposes: application for a Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022, Scientific Permit
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This module is a part of a complete MBR 2022 Scientific Permit application and is intended for proposed activities that include biological sample collection and performing other veterinary procedures. It must be completed if the proposed activity involves capturing, killing, injuring, or harassing migratory birds; destroying, taking, or disturbing migratory bird eggs; and/or damaging, destroying, removing, or disturbing migratory bird nests. This module is not required for applications relating strictly to the capture of birds for the purpose of banding. Use Module 3 for capture and band. If other activities will be done during the capture and banding of birds, such as taking a blood sample, this module is required. A complete Scientific Permit application must include the modules relevant to all activities planned to be undertaken for the project/program.
Module 4: Capture, kill, injure and/or harass migratory birds, damage, destroy, remove and/or disturb nests and/or destroy, take and/or disturb eggs for scientific or educational purposes
Applicant’s name:
[blank space]
Section 1: Activities
4.1.1 Proposed activity
Please check the box of your proposed activity:
[checkbox] Capture or harass a live migratory bird
[checkbox] Injure or kill a live migratory bird
[checkbox] Destroy, take or disturb egg(s)
[checkbox] Damage, destroy, remove or disturb nest(s)
[checkbox] Perform biological sample collection and/or other veterinary procedures on live birds
4.1.2 Procedures
Describe your proposed methods for each procedure/activity in the space provided below.
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[checkbox] See attached document(s) (Document name:[blank space])
4.1.3 Training and experience
Describe your training and experience with your proposed procedure(s) in the space below.
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[checkbox] See attached document(s) (Document name:[blank space])
Section 2: Alternatives and Mitigation
4.2.1 Considerations of alternatives
Do alternative methods exist to replace the use of migratory birds, or refine or reduce the numbers needed? If so, provide a rationale for not adopting alternative methods.
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4.2.2 Minimizing risk and harm
Use of techniques should aim to minimize risk and harm to individual birds while demonstrating that the knowledge gained is justifiable. Please answer the questions below to show what alternative procedures you considered, then implemented or discarded in order to replace, reduce or refine your project and minimize potential impact to birds. Provide justification for why alternatives were discarded.
What methods did you consider or implement to replace the use of live birds, eggs or nests as much as possible in your study?
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What strategy did you implement to reduce the number of birds used?
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How have you refined your protocols to reduce the impacts (e.g., stress) experienced by your target species?
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4.2.3 Injuries and mortalities
Use the checkboxes to indicate which of the following services you are able to provide in case of an injury to a migratory bird.
[checkbox] N/A – not working with live birds or eggs
[checkbox] First aid or temporary holding
[checkbox]Transport to permitted rehabilitation center or veterinary care:
Name: [blank space]
Email: [blank space]
Location: [blank space]
Permit number (if known):
[blank space]
[checkbox]Euthanasia or humane killing
Method: [blank space]
4.2.4 Additional mitigation measures and risk management
Please use the checkboxes below to indicate which (if any) mitigation measures you will use to reduce or minimize the potential for injury and disturbance to the migratory birds being studied.
[checkbox] Capture methods are appropriate for target species
[checkbox] Displacement of individuals is limited
[checkbox] Number of persons on-site is limited
[checkbox] Time spent at nest site or in colony is limited
[checkbox] Sample size is limited
[checkbox] Use of invasive methods is limited
[checkbox] Handling time and/or number of handlers is limited
[checkbox] Use of highly qualified and experienced persons
[checkbox] Use of well-established scientific protocols
[checkbox] Wildlife first aid is administrated swiftly by experienced persons
[checkbox] Activities are scheduled to avoid disturbance during sensitive periods
[checkbox] Activities are restricted to days with clement weather
[checkbox] Site clearing is limited
[checkbox] Disturbed areas are restored to pre-project conditions
[checkbox] Disturbance to waterbodies is limited
[checkbox] Use of existing roads and trails for access
[checkbox] Predator contingency plan is in place
[checkbox] Species at risk are prioritized during capture and processing
[checkbox] Euthanasia is swift and humane
[checkbox] Other: [blank space]
[checkbox] Supporting documentation attached (document name: [blank space] )
Section 3: Tables
4.3.1 Authorization description tables
Please complete Table M4.1 if you intend to collect biological samples and/or use other veterinary procedures. An example is provided. Insert additional rows as required.
Please complete Table M4.2 if you intend to take a dead bird or kill a live bird, destroy, take or disturb egg(s), and/or damage, destroy, remove or disturb nest(s). An example is provided. Insert additional rows as required.
Table M4.1: Authorization Description Table to Collect Biological Samples and/or Use Other Veterinary Procedures
Species and Capture Method |
Biological Samples |
Total |
Species |
Age |
Sex |
Capture method |
Biological sample/veterinary procedures |
Location on bird |
Size of collection |
Number of samples collected, or procedures performed |
Sample size |
M & F |
Mist nets |
50 |
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Table M4.2: Authorization Description Table to Capture, Kill, Injure and/or Harass Migratory Birds; Damage, Destroy, Remove and/or Disturb Nests and/or Destroy, Take and/or Disturb Eggs
Information | Take found dead bird (s) |
Kill live bird (s) |
Destroy, take, or disturb egg(s) |
Damage, destroy, remove, or disturb nest(s) |
Species |
Age |
Sex |
Count |
Count |
Destroy |
Take |
Disturb |
Location of egg(s) |
Total number of eggs |
Damage |
Destroy |
Remove |
Disturb |
Location of nest(s) |
Total number of nests |
M & F |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
2 |
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