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National wildlife areas
National wildlife areas: publications
Tintamarre National Wildlife Area Management Plan
Table of contents
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About Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Protected Areas and Management Plans
Tintamarre National Wildlife Area
1 Description of the Protected Area
1.1 Regional context
1.2 Historical background
1.3 Land ownership
1.4 Facilities and infrastructure
2 Ecological resources
2.1 Terrestrial and aquatic habitats
2.2 Wildlife species
2.2.1 Birds
2.2.2 Mammals
2.2.3 Reptiles and amphibians
2.2.4 Fish
2.3 Species at risk
2.4 Invasive species
3 Management challenges and threats
3.1 Wind power
3.2 Tourism
3.3 Off-road vehicles
3.4 Camping and open fires
3.5 Predicted climate change context
3.6 Invasive species
3.7 Fish passage
4 Goals and Objectives
4.1 Vision
4.2 Goals and objectives
4.3 Evaluation
5 Management approaches
5.1 Habitat management
5.1.1 Forests
5.1.2 Fields and farms
5.1.3 Freshwater impoundments
5.1.4 Bogs and fens
5.2 Wildlife management
5.2.1 Species at risk
5.3 Monitoring
5.4 Research
5.5 Public information and outreach
6 Authorizations and prohibitions
6.1 Prohibition of entry
6.2 Authorized activities
6.3 Authorizations
6.4 Exceptions
6.5 Other federal and provincial authorizations
7 Health and safety
8 Enforcement
9 Plan implementation
9.1 Management authorities and mandates
9.2 Management plan review
10 Collaborators
11 Literature cited
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