Tway National Wildlife Area Management Plan, 2016: chapter 7

7 Health and safety

There are currently health and safety issues related to the DUC water control structures associated with undercut dams resulting in ground collapse, dangerous water flows during peak flow periods resulting in risk of drowning, and potential falls from height on the control structure. DUC has done a good job of keeping a guard rail around the control structure to reduce the risk of falling; however, the other problems are not managed at present. Undercut dams need to be fixed, and warning signs that indicate the potential hazards and risk of falls and drownings need to be erected.

Currently, there are no other known health or safety issues for Tway NWA. No environmental hazards have been identified (Franz Environmental, Inc. 2006). However, non-emergency issues related to security or health and safety issues for Tway NWA should be reported to:

National Wildlife Area Program
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Canadian Wildlife Service
115 Perimeter Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 0X4
Telephone: 306-975-4087

In the case of environmental emergencies, contact will be made with the Canadian Environmental Emergencies Notification System at:

Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment

All reasonable efforts will be made to protect the health and safety of the public, including adequately informing visitors of any known or anticipated hazards or risks. Further, Environment and Climate Change Canada staff will take all reasonable and necessary precautions to protect their own health and assure safety as well as that of their co-workers. However, visitors (including researchers and contractors) must make all reasonable efforts to inform themselves of risks and hazards, and they must be prepared and self-sufficient. Natural areas contain some inherent dangers, and proper precautions must be taken by visitors, recognizing that Environment and Climate Change Canada staff neither regularly patrol nor offer services for visitor safety in NWAs.

Incidents or emergencies can be reported to the numbers listed in Table 7 below.

Table 7: Emergency contacts for Tway National Wildlife Area
Emergency Contacts for Tway NWA, SK (52° 45'N, 105° 25'W) Telephone Number
Any life-threatening emergency 911
Police/Fire/Ambulance 911
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Wakaw Detachment 306-233-5810
Environment and Climate Change Canada - Wildlife Enforcement Division, Saskatoon 306-975-4087
Saskatchewan Ministry of the Environment 1-800-667-TIPS
Saskatchewan Ministry of the Environment - Melfort Conservation Officer 306-752-6214
Rural Municipality of Invergordon
#430, Crystal Springs, SK

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