Wellers Bay National Wildlife Area Management Plan: chapter 10
9 Plan implementation
The management plan will be implemented over a 10-year period. Annual work plans will be developed in accordance with priorities and budgets, and the details of management plan implementation will be developed through Environment and Climate Change Canada’s annual work-planning process and will be implemented as human and financial resources allow. An adaptive management approach will be favoured for the implementation of the management plan. The implementation of the plan will be evaluated 5 years after its publication, on the basis of the actions identified in Table 5.
The framework by which Wellers Bay National Wildlife Area (NWA) is managed is clearly delineated by the Canada Wildlife Act. Close liaison between government agencies and non-government wildlife organizations is essential for effective long-term management of the NWA and its surrounding environment. Topics of mutual interest to the federal and provincial governments include public safety, management of game and nongame wildlife, species at risk, and production of special publications relevant to the NWA.
Activity | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 |
Annual occupational health and safety training | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Site inspection twice a year to maintain signs and public notices, and monitor threats (e.g., non-native and invasive species), and safety issues (e.g., visitor use and visual presence of Unexploded Explosive Ordnance (UXO). | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Prepare annual report on public access (authorized and unauthorized visits) and incidents of illegal activities (number, nature, mitigation). | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Review collaborative arrangements, agreements and permits, revise and renew as appropriate | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x |
Review and update public outreach and education | x | blank | x | blank | x | blank | x | blank | x | blank |
Complete a biological inventory for the NWA of migratory bird use (waterfowl, water birds, land birds, shore birds), species at risk (presence/absence) and habitat quality and extent (sand spit, dune, panne, upland deciduous forest, wetland, nearshore waters), using established protocols. | blank | blank | x | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | x |
Assess and implement species at risk recovery actions | blank | x | blank | x | blank | x | blank | x | blank | x |
Continue Environment and Climate Change Canada's Canadian Wildlife Service (ECCC-CWS) decadal migrant waterfowl surveys (2009) - Lake Ontario (includes Wellers Bay, Wellers Bay Coastal Sand Spit and Wellers Bay NWA). | blank | blank | blank | blank | blank | x | blank | blank | blank | blank |
Map distribution and percent cover of invasive and non-native species | blank | x | blank | blank | x | blank | blank | x | blank | blank |
Assess and apply controls for invasive and non-native species | x | blank | blank | x | blank | blank | x | blank | blank | x |
9.1 Management authority and mandate
ECCC-CWS (Ontario) is responsible for site management of Wellers Bay NWA.
Department of National Defence (DND) is responsible for risk assessment and management of UXO on the Wellers Bay NWA and surrounding lakebed.
9.2 Management plan review
Evaluation will take the form of a review of data obtained from the monitoring, surveys, research projects and collaborative agreements outlined below. Monitoring, surveys and research at the Wellers Bay NWA will be performed within the limits imposed by financial and human resources. The data collected will be reviewed annually and used to inform future management at the NWA. Furthermore, these data will be used to evaluate federal contributions towards accomplishing the mandates specific to ECCC-CWS for which the protected area was established.
This management plan will be reviewed 5 years after its formal approval by ECCC-CWS and every 10 years thereafter. Information may be appended to the document as required to aid in site management and decision-making.
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