Oil sands monitoring: scientific papers and presentations

Scientific papers and presentations evaluating and interpreting monitoring measurements in the oil sand region. Environment and Climate Change Canada's accessible publications and presentations are listed below. See a complete list of publications and presentations for the program. (2020)  

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2024 publications
2023 publications
2022 publications
2021 publications
2020 publications
2019 publications 
2018 publications 
2017 publications  
2016 publications and presentations 

2016 publications 

2016 presentations 

2015 publications and presentations

2015 publications 

2015 presentations 

2014 publications and presentations

2014 publications 

2014 presentations 

2013 publications
2012 publication
2023 publication
2022 publications
2021 publications
2020 publications 
2019 publications 
2018 publications
2017 publications 
2016 publications and presentation

2016 publications 

2016 presentation 

2015 publications and presentations

2015 publications 

2015 presentations 

2014 publications and presentation

2014 publications

2014 presentation

2013 publications 
2012 publication
2011 publications
Wildlife contaminants
2021 publications
2020 publications 
2019 publications 
2018 publications 
2017 publications
2016 presentation
2015 publications and presentation

2015 publications 

2015 presentation

2013 publications
2011 publication
Biodiversity and disturbance
2021 publication
2020 publications 
  • No accessible publications
2019 publication
2018 publications 
2017 publications 
2016 publications and presentations

2016 publications 

2016 presentations 

2015 publications and presentations

2015 publications 

2015 presentations 

2014 publications
2013 publication

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