COSEWIC Species at Risk assessments: Minister of the Environment's response 2012
Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated (1) | ||||
Arthropods | American Burying Beetle | Nicrophorus americanus | ON QC | Normal |
Endangered (3) | ||||
Vascular Plants | Yukon Draba | Draba yukonensis | YT | Normal |
Arthropods | Okanagan Efferia | Efferia okanagana | BC | Normal |
Amphibians | Northern Dusky Salamander (Carolinian population) | Desmognathus fuscus | ON | Normal |
Threatened (1) | ||||
Vascular Plants | Eastern Baccharis | Baccharis halimifolia | NS | Normal |
Special Concern (5) | ||||
Molluscs | Magnum Mantleslug | Magnipelta mycophaga | BC | Normal |
Birds | Baird’s Sparrow | Ammodramus bairdii | AB MB SK | Normal |
Birds | Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Tryngites subruficollis | AB BC MB NT NU ON QC SK YT | Extended |
Mammals | Collared Pika | Ochotona collaris | BC NT YT | Extended |
Mammals | Grizzly Bear (Western population) | Ursus arctos | AB BC MB NT NU SK YT | Extended |
Up-lists from Special Concern to Endangered (1) | ||||
Birds | Yellow-breasted Chat virens subspecies | Icteria virens virens | ON | Normal |
Up-lists from Special Concern to Threatened (2) | ||||
Birds | Western Screech-Owl kennicottii subspecies | Megascops kennicottii kennicottii | BC | Normal |
Mammals | Black-tailed Prairie Dog | Cynomys ludovicianus | SK | Normal |
Up-lists from Threatened to Endangered (1) | ||||
Arthropods | Behr’s Hairstreak | Satyrium behrii | BC | Normal |
Eligible for de-listing - Threatened to Not at Risk (1) | ||||
Birds | Hooded Warbler | Setophaga citrina | ON | Normal |
Down-lists from Threatened to Special Concern (3) | ||||
Vascular Plants | Buffalograss | Bouteloua dactyloides | MB SK | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Goldencrest | Lophiola aurea | NS | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Hairy Prairie-clover | Dalea villosa | MB SK | Normal |
Down-lists from Endangered to Threatened (2) | ||||
Vascular Plants | Tiny Cryptantha | Cryptantha minima | AB SK | Normal |
Birds | Western Screech-Owl macfarlanei subspecies | Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei | BC | Normal |
Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated (3) | ||||
Mosses | Incurved Grizzled Moss | Ptychomitrium incurvum | ON | None; status confirmation |
Reptiles | Pacific Gopher Snake | Pituophis catenifer catenifer | BC | None; status confirmation |
Reptiles | Pacific Pond Turtle | Actinemys marmorata | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered (11) | ||||
Mosses | Margined Streamside Moss | Scouleria marginata | BC | None; status confirmation |
Mosses | Silver Hair Moss | Fabronia pusilla | BC | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | Bearded Owl-clover | Triphysaria versicolor | BC | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | Bluehearts | Buchnera americana | ON | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | False Hop Sedge | Carex lupuliformis | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | Heart-leaved Plantain | Plantago cordata | ON | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | Hoary Mountain-mint | Pycnanthemum incanum | ON | None; status confirmation |
Vascular Plants | Large Whorled Pogonia | Isotria verticillata | ON | None; status confirmation |
Arthropods | Island Blue | Plebejus saepiolus insulanus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Reptiles | Blue Racer | Coluber constrictor foxii | ON | None; status confirmation |
Birds | Yellow-breasted Chat auricollis subspecies (Southern mountain population) | Icteria virens auricollis | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened (2) | ||||
Mosses | Haller’s Apple Moss | Bartramia halleriana | AB BC | None; status confirmation |
Birds | Marbled Murrelet | Brachyramphus marmoratus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern (3) | ||||
Arthropods | Weidemeyer’s Admiral | Limenitis weidemeyerii | AB | None; status confirmation |
Amphibians | Coastal Tailed Frog | Ascaphus truei | BC | None; status confirmation |
Mammals | Mountain Beaver | Aplodontia rufa | BC | None; status confirmation |
Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered (1) | ||||
Fishes | Smooth Skate (Funk Island Deep population) | Malacoraja senta | NL Atlantic Ocean |
Extended |
Threatened (2) | ||||
Fishes | American Eel | Anguilla rostrata | ON QC NB PE NS NL Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Fishes | Plains Minnow | Hybognathus placitus | SK | Extended |
Special Concern (3) | ||||
Fishes | North Pacific Spiny Dogfish | Squalus suckleyi | Pacific Ocean | Normal |
Fishes | Smooth Skate (Laurentian-Scotian population) | Malacoraja senta | QC NB PE NS Atlantic Ocean |
Extended |
Fishes | Thorny Skate | Amblyraja radiata | NU QC NB PE NS NL Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Up-lists from Special Concern to Threatened (1) | ||||
Fishes | Pugnose Minnow | Opsopoeodus emiliae | ON | Extended |
Up-lists from Special Concern to Endangered | ||||
Fishes | Silver Chub (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations)1 | Macrhybopsis storeriana | ON | Extended |
Eligible for de-listing – Special Concern to Not at Risk (1) | ||||
Fishes | Silver Chub (Saskatchewan-Nelson River populations) 1 | Macrhybopsis storeriana | MB | Extended |
1Species currently listed on Schedule 1 as one species. Re-assessed in May 2012 and split into two populations.
Taxon | Common Name (population) | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | ||||
Fishes | Enos Lake Benthic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Fishes | Enos Lake Limnetic Threespine Stickleback | Gasterosteus aculeatus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Fishes | Northern Madtom | Noturus stigmosus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Reptiles | Leatherback Sea Turtle (Atlantic population) | Dermochelys coriacea | Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Reptiles | Leatherback Sea Turtle (Pacific population) | Dermochelys coriacea | Pacific Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Mammals | Blue Whale (Atlantic population) | Balaenoptera musculus | Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Mammals | Blue Whale (Pacific population) | Balaenoptera musculus | Pacific Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Molluscs | Snuffbox | Epioblasma triquetra | ON | None; status confirmation |
Special Concern | ||||
Fishes | Blackstripe Topminnow | Fundulus notatus | ON | None; status confirmation |
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