The Minister of the Environment's response to species at risk assessments submitted by COSEWIC on October 9, 2019
Taxon | COSEWIC status | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation path |
Mosses | Endangered | Carey’s Small Limestone Moss | Seligeria careyana | BC | Normal |
Mosses | Endangered | Dalton’s Moss | Daltonia splachnoides | BC | Normal |
Mosses | Endangered | Drooping–leaved Beard–moss | Oxystegus recurvifolius | BC | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Columbia Quillwort | Isoetes minima | BC | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Dwarf Hesperochiron | Hesperochiron pumilus | BC | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Hairy Valerian | Valeriana edulis ssp. ciliata | ON | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Hairy Paintbrush | Castilleja tenuis | BC | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Ute Ladies’-tresses | Spiranthes diluvialis | BC | Normal |
Birds | Threatened | Hudsonian Godwit | Limosa haemastica | YT NT NU BC AB SK MB ON QC NB PE NS NL | Extended |
Lichens | Threatened | White–rimmed Shingle Lichen | Fuscopannaria leucosticta | ON QC NB NS | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Threatened | Black Ash | Fraxinus nigra | MB ON QC NB PE NS NL | Extended |
Arthropods | Special Concern | American Bumble Bee | Bombus pensylvanicus | ON QC | Normal |
Arthropods | Special Concern | Yellow Scarab Hunter Wasp | Dielis pilipes | BC | Normal |
Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Yukon Draba | Draba yukonensis | YT | Extended |
Taxon | Proposed change to schedule 1 status | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation path |
Lichens | From Special Concern to Threatened | Cryptic Paw Lichen | Nephroma occultum | BC | Extended |
Reptiles | From Endangered to Special Concern | Greater Short-horned Lizard | Phrynosoma hernandesi | AB SK | Normal |
Vascular Plants | From Threatened to Special Concern | Goldenseal | Hydrastis canadensis | ON | Normal |
Taxon | COSEWIC status | Species | Species name | Range |
Arthropods | Extirpated | Frosted Elfin | Callophrys irus | ON |
Arthropods | Extirpated | Karner Blue | Plebejus samuelis | ON |
Reptiles | Extirpated | Pygmy Short-horned Lizard | Phrynosoma douglasii | BC |
Arthropods | Endangered | Rapids Clubtail | Phanogomphus quadricolor | ON |
Mammals | Endangered | Vancouver Island Marmot | Marmota vancouverensis | BC |
Vascular Plants | Endangered | Brook Spike-primrose | Epilobium torreyi | BC |
Reptiles | Threatened | Wood Turtle | Glyptemys insculpta | ON QC NB NS |
Arthropods | Special Concern | Pale Yellow Dune Moth | Copablepharon grandis | AB SK MB |
Arthropods | Special Concern | Pygmy Snaketail | Ophiogomphus howei | ON NB |
Mammals | Special Concern | Polar Bear | Ursus maritimus | YT NT NU MB ON QC NL Arctic Ocean |
Taxon | COSEWIC status | Species | Species name | Range |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer (Upper Pitt) population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (Middle Fraser, Stream, Fall population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (Upper Fraser, Stream, Spring population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (South Thompson, Stream, Summer 1.2 population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (North Thompson, Stream, Spring population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (North Thompson, Stream, Summer population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Endangered | Chinook Salmon (East Vancouver Island, Stream, Spring population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (marine) | Endangered | Shortfin Mako (Atlantic population) | Isurus oxyrinchus | NB NL NS PEI QC Atlantic Ocean |
Mammals (marine) | Endangered | Sei Whale (Atlantic population) | Balaenoptera borealis | Atlantic Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Threatened | Chinook Salmon (Lower Fraser, Ocean, Fall population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Threatened | Chinook Salmon (Lower Fraser, Stream, Summer population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Threatened | Chinook Salmon (Middle Fraser, Stream, Spring (MFR+GStr) population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Threatened | Chinook Salmon (Middle Fraser, Stream, Summer population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Lake Chub (Liard Hot Springs populations) | Couesius plumbeus | BC |
Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Lake Chub (Atlin Warm Springs populations) | Couesius plumbeus | BC |
Fishes (Anadromous) | Special Concern | Chinook Salmon (Lower Fraser, Stream, Spring population) | Oncorhynchus tshawytscha | BC Pacific Ocean |
Taxon | Proposed change to schedule 1 status | Species | Scientific name | Range | Consultation path |
Fishes (freshwater) | From Threatened to Endangered | Rainbow Smelt (Lake Utopia small-bodied population) |
Osmerus mordax | NB | Status change for which there will be no consultations |
Fishes (freshwater) | From Threatened to Endangered | Rainbow Smelt (Lake Utopia large-bodied population) |
Osmerus mordax | NB | Status change for which there will be no consultations |
Mammals (marine) | From Threatened to Special Concern | Fin Whale (Pacific population) | Balaenoptera physalus | Pacific Ocean | Not applicable |
Taxon | Status confirmations | Species | Species name | Range |
Fishes (freshwater) | Extirpated | Gravel Chub | Erimystax x-punctatus | ON |
Fishes (freshwater) | Extirpated | Paddlefish | Polyodon spathula | ON |
Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | Nooksack Dace | Rhinichthys cataractae | BC |
Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | Fin Whale (Atlantic population) | Balaenoptera physalus | Atlantic Ocean |
Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | Sowerby's Beaked Whale | Mesoplodon bidens | Atlantic Ocean |
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