Minister's response to Species at Risk assessments submitted by COSEWIC in 2013
* A technical issue is preventing the display of the 'Other applicable legislation' item in the pdf version of some response statements. We are working to fix this.
Threat | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Hairy Braya | Braya pilosa | NT | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Mottled Duskywing (Boreal population) | Erynnis martialis | MB | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Mottled Duskywing (Great Lakes Plains population) | Erynnis martialis | ON QC | Normal |
Endangered | Arthropods | Riverine Clubtail (Great Lakes Plains population) | Stylurus amnicola | ON | Normal |
Threatened | Vascular Plants | Silky Beach Pea | Lathyrus littoralis | BC | Normal |
Threatened | Vascular Plants | Spiked Saxifrage | Micranthes spicata | YT | None required. COSEWIC plans to reassess in near future. |
Threatened | Arthropods | Gibson’s Big Sand Tiger Beetle | Cicindela formosa gibsoni | AB SK | Normal |
Threatened | Arthropods | Island Tiger Moth | Grammia complicata | BC | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Bank Swallow | Riparia riparia | YT NT BC AB SK MB ON QC NB NS PE NL | Normal |
Threatened | Birds | Wood Thrush | Hylocichla mustelina | ON QC NB NS | Normal |
Special concern | Arthropods | Georgia Basin Bog Spider | Gnaphosa snohomish | BC | Normal |
Special concern | Arthropods | Greenish-white Grasshopper | Hypochlora alba | AB SK MB | Normal |
Special concern | Molluscs | Haida Gwaii Slug | Staala gwaii | BC | Normal |
Special concern | Amphibians | Western Tiger Salamander (Prairie / Boreal population)1 | Ambystoma mavortium | AB SK MB | Normal |
Special concern | Birds | Eastern Wood-pewee | Contopus virens | SK MB ON QC NB NS PE | Normal |
Special concern | Mammals | American Badger taxus subspecies | Taxidea taxus taxus | AB SK MB ON | Normal |
Up-lists from threatened to endangered | Vascular Plants | Fernald’s Braya | Braya fernaldii | NL | Normal |
Up-lists from threatened to endangered | Vascular Plants | Plymouth Gentian | Sabatia kennedyana | NS | Normal |
Up-lists from threatened to endangered | Reptiles | Massasauga (Carolinian population)2 | Sistrurus catenatus | ON | Normal |
Down-lists from threatened to special concern | Vascular Plants | Crooked-stem Aster | Symphyotrichum prenanthoides | ON | Normal |
Down-lists from threatened to special concern | Reptiles | Eastern Musk Turtle | Sternotherus odoratus | ON QC | Normal |
1 The Tiger Salamander was formerly considered by COSEWIC as three populations. In November 2012, COSEWIC split it into the Western Tiger Salamander and the Eastern Tiger Salamander, each with two populations. The two populations of the Western Tiger Salamander were assessed in November 2012. The assessment of one of the two populations of the Eastern Tiger Salamander was deferred; therefore, the report for the Eastern Tiger Salamander will be presented to the Minister at a later time.
2 Currently listed on Schedule 1 as a single species. Re-assessed in November 2012 and split into two populations.
Threat | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Extirpated | Molluscs | Puget Oregonian | Cryptomastix devia | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Pink Coreopsis | Coreopsis rosea | NS | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Vascular Plants | Slender Bush-clover | Lespedeza virginica | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Arthropods | Five-spotted Bogus Yucca Moth | Prodoxus quinquepunctellus | AB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Arthropods | Non-pollinating Yucca Moth | Tegeticula corruptrix | AB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Arthropods | Yucca Moth | Tegeticula yuccasella | AB | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Molluscs | Oregon Forestsnail | Allogona townsendiana | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Amphibians | Western Tiger Salamander (Southern Mountain population) 1 | Ambystoma mavortium | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Birds | Northern Bobwhite | Colinus virginianus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mammals | American Badger jacksoni subspecies | Taxidea taxus jacksoni | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mammals | American Badger jeffersonii subspecies (Eastern population)2 | Taxidea taxus jeffersonii | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mammals | American Badger jeffersonii subspecies (Western population)2 | Taxidea taxus jeffersonii | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Vascular Plants | Soapweed | Yucca glauca | AB SK | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Arthropods | Dun Skipper vestris subspecies | Euphyes vestris vestris | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Reptiles | Eastern Ribbonsnake (Atlantic population) | Thamnophis sauritus | NS | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Reptiles | Great Basin Gophersnake | Pituophis catenifer deserticola | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Reptiles | Massasauga (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population)3 | Sistrurus catenatus | ON | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Birds | Northern Goshawk laingi subspecies | Accipiter gentilis laingi | BC | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Molluscs | Warty Jumping-slug | Hemphillia glandulosa | BC | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Amphibians | Western Toad (Calling population)3 | Anaxyrus boreas | BC AB | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Amphibians | Western Toad (Non-calling population)3 | Anaxyrus boreas | YT NT BC AB | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Reptiles | Eastern Ribbonsnake (Great Lakes population) | Thamnophis sauritus | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Reptiles | Northern Map Turtle | Graptemys geographica | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
1 The Tiger Salamander was formerly considered by COSEWIC as three populations. In November 2012, COSEWIC split it into the Western Tiger Salamander and the Eastern Tiger Salamander, each with two populations. The two populations of the Western Tiger Salamander were assessed in November 2012. The assessment of one of the two populations of the Eastern Tiger Salamander was deferred; therefore, the report for the Eastern Tiger Salamander will be presented to the Minister at a later time.
2 Currently listed on Schedule 1 as a single subspecies. Subspecies re-assessed in November 2012 and split into two populations.
3 Currently listed on Schedule 1 as a single species. Re-assessed in November 2012 and split into two populations.
Threat | Taxon | Species | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Fishes | Cusk | Brosme brosme | Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Molluscs | Lilliput | Toxolasma parvum | ON | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | Striped Bass (Bay of Fundy population) | Morone saxatilis | NB NS Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Endangered | Fishes | White Sturgeon (Upper Fraser River population)1 | Acipenser transmontanus | BC | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | Bull Trout (Saskatchewan - Nelson Rivers populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | AB | Extended |
Threatened | Molluscs | Threehorn Wartyback | Obliquaria reflexa | ON | Extended |
Threatened | Fishes | White Sturgeon (Lower Fraser River population) | Acipenser transmontanus | BC | Extended |
Special concern | Fishes | Bull Trout (South Coast British Columbia populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | BC | Extended |
Special concern | Fishes | Bull Trout (Western Arctic populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | YT NT BC AB | Extended |
Special concern | Fishes | Eulachon (Nass / Skeena Rivers population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | BC Pacific Ocean | Extended |
Special concern | Fishes | Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) | Morone saxatilis | QC NB PE NS Atlantic Ocean | Extended |
Down-lists from extirpated to endangered | Fishes | Striped Bass (St. Lawrence River population)2 | Morone saxatilis | QC Atlantic Ocean | Normal |
Down-lists from extirpated to endangered | Fishes | Pugnose Shiner | Notropis anogenus | ON | Normal |
Down-lists from extirpated to endangered | Fishes | Salish Sucker | Catostomus sp. cf. catostomus | BC | Extended |
1 A wildlife species of this name is currently listed on Schedule 1. This newly-assessed unit now includes two population units that were not included in the earlier entity.
2 The wildlife species was reclassified to Endangered from Extirpated because of a successful reintroduction.
Threat | Taxon | Common Name (population) | Scientific Name | Range | Consultation Path |
Endangered | Molluscs | Kidneyshell | Ptychobranchus fasciolaris | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Molluscs | Round Hickorynut | Obovaria subrotunda | ON | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Mammals | Sei Whale (Pacific population) | Balaenoptera borealis | Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | White Sturgeon (Upper Columbia River population) | Acipenser transmontanus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Endangered | Fishes | White Sturgeon (Upper Kootenay River population) | Acipenser transmontanus | BC | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Fishes | Northern Wolffish | Anarhichas denticulatus | Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Threatened | Fishes | Spotted Wolffish | Anarhichas minor | Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Fishes | Atlantic Wolffish | Anarhichas lupus | Arctic Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | None; status confirmation |
Special concern | Fishes | Bridle Shiner | Notropis bifrenatus | ON QC | None; status confirmation |
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