Wildlife species eligible for amendment to list: Species at Risk Act, schedule 1
Please note that species with “Schedule 2” or “Schedule 3” in the Current Schedule column are not currently on the List of Wildlife Species at Risk.
Legal Name & Population | Scientific Name | Taxonomic Group | COSEWIC Status | SARA Status | Current Schedule | Date of Listing | Minister's Receipt of Assessment | Consultation Path |
Black-tailed Prairie Dog | Cynomys ludovicianus | Mammals (terrestrial) | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
American Badger taxus subspecies | Taxidea taxus taxus | Mammals (terrestrial) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Collared Pika | Ochotona collaris | Mammals (terrestrial) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Grizzly Bear (Western population) | Ursus arctos | Mammals (terrestrial) | Special Concern | *No Status | No schedule | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Extended |
Harbour Porpoise (Northwest Atlantic population) | Phocoena phocoena | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 2 | 31-Aug-06 | Normal | |
Harbour Seal Lacs des Loups Marins subspecies | Phoca vitulina mellonae | Mammals (marine) | Endangered | Special Concern | Schedule 3 | 28-Aug-08 | Extended | |
Atlantic Walrus | Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | *No Status | No schedule | 5-Jun-03 | 31-Aug-06 | Extended |
Bowhead Whale (Eastern Canada-West Greenland population) | Balaena mysticetus | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Killer Whale (Northwest Atlantic / Eastern Arctic population) | Orcinus orca | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Narwhal | Monodon monoceros | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 12-Aug-05 | Extended | |
Northern Bottlenose Whale (Davis Strait-Baffin Bay-Labrador Sea population) | Hyperoodon ampullatus | Mammals (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Northern Fur Seal | Callorhinus ursinus | Mammals (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Western Screech-Owl macfarlanei subspecies | Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei | Birds | Threatened | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Hooded Warbler | Setophaga citrina | Birds | Not at Risk | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Barn Owl (Western population) | Tyto alba | Birds | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Cerulean Warbler | Setophaga cerulea | Birds | Endangered | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 9-Sep-11 | Extended |
Western Screech-Owl kennicottii subspecies | Megascops kennicottii kennicottii | Birds | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Yellow-breasted Chat virens subspecies | Icteria virens virens | Birds | Endangered | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Baird's Sparrow | Ammodramus bairdii | Birds | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Bank Swallow | Riparia riparia | Birds | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | Birds | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Bobolink | Dolichonyx oryzivorus | Birds | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Normal | |
Buff-breasted Sandpiper | Tryngites subruficollis | Birds | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Eastern Meadowlark | Sturnella magna | Birds | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Eastern Wood-pewee | Contopus virens | Birds | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Horned Grebe (Western population) | Podiceps auritus | Birds | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Wood Thrush | Hylocichla mustelina | Birds | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Butler's Gartersnake | Thamnophis butleri | Reptiles | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Eastern Musk Turtle | Sternotherus odoratus | Reptiles | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Loggerhead Sea Turtle | Caretta caretta | Reptiles | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Massasauga (Carolinian population) | Sistrurus catenatus | Reptiles | Endangered | *No Status | No schedule | 12-Jan-05 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Jefferson Salamander | Ambystoma jeffersonianum | Amphibians | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Northern Dusky Salamander (Carolinian population) | Desmognathus fuscus | Amphibians | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Spring Salamander (Adirondack / Appalachian population) | Gyrinophilus porphyriticus | Amphibians | Threatened | *No Status | No schedule | 12-Jan-05 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Spring Salamander (Carolinian population) | Gyrinophilus porphyriticus | Amphibians | Extirpated | *No Status | No schedule | 12-Jan-05 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Western Tiger Salamander (Prairie / Boreal population) | Ambystoma mavortium | Amphibians | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Striped Bass (St. Lawrence River population) | Morone saxatilis | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | Extirpated | Schedule 1 | 23-Jun-11 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Pugnose Shiner | Notropis anogenus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Salish Sucker | Catostomus sp. cf. catostomus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 24-Sep-13 | Extended |
Western Silvery Minnow | Hybognathus argyritis | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 28-Aug-08 | Normal |
Pugnose Minnow | Opsopoeodus emiliae | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Extended |
Redside Dace | Clinostomus elongatus | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | Special Concern | Schedule 3 | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Silver Shiner | Notropis photogenis | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 3 | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Umatilla Dace | Rhinichthys umatilla | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | Special Concern | Schedule 3 | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
American Eel | Anguilla rostrata | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Atlantic Sturgeon (Maritimes populations) | Acipenser oxyrinchus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Sturgeon (St. Lawrence populations) | Acipenser oxyrinchus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Bull Trout (Saskatchewan - Nelson Rivers populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Bull Trout (South Coast British Columbia populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Bull Trout (Western Arctic populations) | Salvelinus confluentus | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Dolly Varden (Western Arctic populations) | Salvelinus malma malma | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Lake Sturgeon (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Lake of the Woods - Rainy River populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Nelson River populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Red-Assiniboine Rivers - Lake Winnipeg populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Saskatchewan River populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Southern Hudson Bay - James Bay populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Western Hudson Bay populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Lake Sturgeon (Winnipeg River - English River populations) | Acipenser fulvescens | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Mountain Sucker (Milk River populations) | Catostomus platyrhynchus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Mountain Sucker (Pacific populations) | Catostomus platyrhynchus | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Plains Minnow | Hybognathus placitus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Rainbow Smelt (Lake Utopia large-bodied population) | Osmerus mordax | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Westslope populations) | Cottus sp. | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Silver Chub (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) | Macrhybopsis storeriana | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | *No Status | No schedule | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Extended |
Silver Chub (Saskatchewan - Nelson River populations) | Macrhybopsis storeriana | Fishes (freshwater) | Not at Risk | *No Status | No schedule | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Extended |
Silver Lamprey (Great Lakes - Upper St. Lawrence populations) | Ichthyomyzon unicuspis | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Striped Bass (Bay of Fundy population) | Morone saxatilis | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Striped Bass (Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) | Morone saxatilis | Fishes (freshwater) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
White Sturgeon (Lower Fraser River population) | Acipenser transmontanus | Fishes (freshwater) | Threatened | No Status | Schedule 3 | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
White Sturgeon (Upper Fraser River population) | Acipenser transmontanus | Fishes (freshwater) | Endangered | No Status | Schedule 3 | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Acadian Redfish (Atlantic population) | Sebastes fasciatus | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Acadian Redfish (Bonne Bay population) | Sebastes fasciatus | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
American Plaice (Maritime population) | Hippoglossoides platessoides | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
American Plaice (Newfoundland and Labrador population) | Hippoglossoides platessoides | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna | Thunnus thynnus | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Cod (Arctic Lakes population) | Gadus morhua | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Atlantic Cod (Laurentian North population) | Gadus morhua | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Atlantic Cod (Laurentian South population) | Gadus morhua | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Atlantic Cod (Newfoundland and Labrador population) | Gadus morhua | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Atlantic Cod (Southern population) | Gadus morhua | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Anticosti Island population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Eastern Cape Breton population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Gaspe-Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Inner St. Lawrence population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Nova Scotia Southern Upland population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Outer Bay of Fundy population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Eastern North Shore population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (Quebec Western North Shore population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Atlantic Salmon (South Newfoundland population) | Salmo salar | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Basking Shark (Atlantic population) | Cetorhinus maximus | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Blue Shark (Atlantic population) | Prionace glauca | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 31-Aug-06 | Extended | |
Cusk | Brosme brosme | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Darkblotched Rockfish | Sebastes crameri | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Deepwater Redfish (Gulf of St. Lawrence - Laurentian Channel population) | Sebastes mentella | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Deepwater Redfish (Northern population) | Sebastes mentella | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Eulachon (Central Pacific Coast population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Eulachon (Fraser River population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Eulachon (Nass / Skeena Rivers population) | Thaleichthys pacificus | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
North Pacific Spiny Dogfish | Squalus suckleyi | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Quillback Rockfish | Sebastes maliger | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Roughhead Grenadier | Macrourus berglax | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 30-Aug-07 | Extended | |
Roundnose Grenadier | Coryphaenoides rupestris | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-09 | Extended | |
Shortfin Mako (Atlantic population) | Isurus oxyrinchus | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 31-Aug-06 | Extended | |
Smooth Skate (Funk Island Deep population) | Malacoraja senta | Fishes (marine) | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Smooth Skate (Laurentian-Scotian population) | Malacoraja senta | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Spiny Dogfish (Atlantic population) | Squalus acanthias | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Thorny Skate | Amblyraja radiata | Fishes (marine) | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Extended | |
Yellowmouth Rockfish | Sebastes reedi | Fishes (marine) | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Extended | |
Behr's Hairstreak | Satyrium behrii | Arthropods | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
American Burying Beetle | Nicrophorus americanus | Arthropods | Extirpated | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Dune Tachinid Fly | Germaria angustata | Arthropods | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Georgia Basin Bog Spider | Gnaphosa snohomish | Arthropods | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Gibson's Big Sand Tiger Beetle | Cicindela formosa gibsoni | Arthropods | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Greenish-white Grasshopper | Hypochlora alba | Arthropods | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Hine's Emerald | Somatochlora hineana | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle | Brychius hungerfordi | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Island Tiger Moth | Grammia complicata | Arthropods | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Macropis Cuckoo Bee | Epeoloides pilosulus | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Mottled Duskywing (Boreal population) | Erynnis martialis | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Mottled Duskywing (Great Lakes Plains population) | Erynnis martialis | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Okanagan Efferia | Efferia okanagana | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Olive Clubtail | Stylurus olivaceus | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Riverine Clubtail (Great Lakes Plains population) | Stylurus amnicola | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Skillet Clubtail | Gomphus ventricosus | Arthropods | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel | Gonidea angulata | Molluscs | Endangered | Special Concern | Schedule 1 | 14-Jul-05 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Atlantic Mud-piddock | Barnea truncata | Molluscs | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 3-Sep-10 | Normal | |
Fawnsfoot | Truncilla donaciformis | Molluscs | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 28-Aug-08 | Extended | |
Haida Gwaii Slug | Staala gwaii | Molluscs | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Hickorynut | Obovaria olivaria | Molluscs | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Extended | |
Lilliput | Toxolasma parvum | Molluscs | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Magnum Mantleslug | Magnipelta mycophaga | Molluscs | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Threehorn Wartyback | Obliquaria reflexa | Molluscs | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Extended | |
Pitcher's Thistle | Cirsium pitcheri | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Purple Twayblade | Liparis liliifolia | Vascular Plants | Threatened | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Tiny Cryptantha | Cryptantha minima | Vascular Plants | Threatened | Endangered | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Buffalograss | Bouteloua dactyloides | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Crooked-stem Aster | Symphyotrichum prenanthoides | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 12-Jan-05 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Dwarf Lake Iris | Iris lacustris | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 15-Aug-06 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Fernald's Braya | Braya fernaldii | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Goldencrest | Lophiola aurea | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Hairy Prairie-clover | Dalea villosa | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 5-Oct-12 | Normal |
Lyall's Mariposa Lily | Calochortus lyallii | Vascular Plants | Special Concern | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Plymouth Gentian | Sabatia kennedyana | Vascular Plants | Endangered | Threatened | Schedule 1 | 5-Jun-03 | 24-Sep-13 | Normal |
Eastern Baccharis | Baccharis halimifolia | Vascular Plants | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Hairy Braya | Braya pilosa | Vascular Plants | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Showy Goldenrod (Boreal population) | Solidago speciosa | Vascular Plants | Threatened | *No Status | No schedule | 5-Jun-03 | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
Silky Beach Pea | Lathyrus littoralis | Vascular Plants | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 24-Sep-13 | Normal | |
Yukon Draba | Draba yukonensis | Vascular Plants | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 5-Oct-12 | Normal | |
Roell's Brotherella Moss | Brotherella roellii | Mosses | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Batwing Vinyl Lichen | Leptogium platynum | Lichens | Endangered | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Blue Felt Lichen | Degelia plumbea | Lichens | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Crumpled Tarpaper Lichen | Collema coniophilum | Lichens | Threatened | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal | |
Peacock Vinyl Lichen | Leptogium polycarpum | Lichens | Special Concern | No Status | No schedule | 9-Sep-11 | Normal |
* Some wildlife species have a date of listing but have ‘no status’ in the SARA Status column. In these cases, COSEWIC has created new assessment units from wildlife species that have a Schedule 1 status. They appear in the list because the new unit is being considered along with a change of status. In practice, the SARA status remains in effect until Schedule 1 is change.
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