A field guide to oil spill response on freshwater shorelines: chapter 7

Response – special topics

7.1 Rivers

7.1.1 Water levels and oil

River, stream, and creek water levels vary constantly in response to changing inputs to the drainage system from precipitation, storm runoff, groundwater and snow/ice melt (Section 3.2.4). These variations may be small and ephemeral, only changing the water level by some tens of centimetres for a few hours to overbank flooding of several metres that may persist for days to weeks. Oil stranded on a falling water level may coat the river bank (Figure 7.1). Oil stranded during a flood event may be deposited on a flood plain above the active channel (Figure 7.1) and effectively become a land spill unaffected by water action for some months thereafter (Figure 7.2).

Figure 7.1: Oil (weathered crude – left panel; unweathered heavy crude – right panel) stranded during a falling water level

Long description

The left panel is showing a weathered contaminated shoreline with crude oil falling on the water. The right panel is another shoreline with unweathered contaminated shoreline with heavy crude oil.

Figure 7.2: Oil deposited on a flood plain during a flood event

Long description

The photo is showing a flood plain with a big patch of oil deposited in the middle during a flood event.

The effect on oil already stranded on the river bank is a function of whether the water level rises or falls and can result in either removal or burial of the previously stranded oil. Stranded oil that is removed may be transported and redeposited downstream.

7.1.2 Response in fast water

The term “Fast water” or “Fast current” when describing spill response refers generally to oil spills in water moving at one knot (0.5 m/s) or greater.

Responding to spills in fast water environments imposes additional hazards due to the extreme loads placed on equipment and the danger of personnel being swept away in fast currents. Safety of responders must always be assessed before attempting to deploy equipment in fast water. The use of boom as a floating barrier is subject to failure for a variety of reasons (Figure 7.3). Boom failure tends to occur when the current speed exceeds 0.75 knots (0.4 m/s). Depending on the issue, boom failure may be corrected by changing the boom angle, boom length, boom size (e.g. skirt length) or anchor weight. It is also possible that booming operations are not feasible in certain locations and a new spill management location must be used. Booming strategies are generally well understood by field responders; however, in fast water or in ice, there are additional considerations.

Figure 7.3: Typical boom failures often caused by fast current speed

Long description

The six figures are showing boom failures caused by current speeds. The top left panel is an entrainment of oil under the boom; the right top panel is a drainage failure under the skirt of the boom; the middle left panel is an oil splashover the boom; the middle right panel is a critical accumulation of oil in a boom and a release under the skirt; the bottom left panel is a submergence of oil over the boom; and, the bottom right panel is a planing of the boom when the skirt is going on the side and releases the oil.

As the current speed increases, the force on the boom and its components also increases. It is possible to reduce these forces by using boom with a shorter skirt, changing the boom angle in relation to the shoreline, and/or by reducing the length of the boom sections. If current speed is less than 2 knots, a boom skirt length of 12 inches (approx. 30 cm) is appropriate; however, as current speed increases to greater than 2 knots, a skirt length of 6 inches (approx. 15 cm) or shorter is recommended. Table 7.1 depicts the river speed and the recommended boom angle and length for river boom. These are approximations and adjustments in the field would be required. The reduction in boom length and boom angle may necessitate the use of cascade booming in order to cover the area required for deflection booming operations. Shorter sections of boom are used and anchored in an overlapping pattern to direct oil towards a collection area. Chevron booming configurations may also be used in fast water (Section 6.2.1). The use of BoomVanesTM or specialized sweep/buster systems may also be considered for larger rivers or bodies of water. These units can operate effectively in much faster currents (i.e. 3 knots for smaller systems and up to 5 knots for larger systems) but require a minimum depth of water.

Table 7.1: River speed and recommended boom angle and length
River speed
River speed
Approximate boom angle
Boom length required
1 0.5 70 50
2 1.0 45 70
3 1.5 30 100
4 2.1 20 120
5 2.6 15 200
6 3.1 10 > 200

In fast water where shorter boom sections are necessary, there is a requirement for additional anchor systems. Multiple anchors, lines and buoys add to the complexity of the deployment and increase the chances of lines fouling or becoming entangled in propellers. Responders need to review the plan for anchoring and approach it systematically to avoid these issues. The use of trip lines will help when removing anchors, especially in fast water where the additional force may cause anchors to be set deeply and are therefore difficult to pull out of the bottom sediments. The use of shoreline anchors and cable ferry systems require good, secure anchor points. Shoreline anchor plates help to spread the load over several anchor points. Lines under tension are a safety issue and responders must be aware of the risk and avoid positioning themselves in the ‘snap-back zone’ (i.e. the direct path of a parting line).

When planning response strategies in fast water environments it is critical to understand and characterize the operating environment, including such factors as currents and flow patterns, natural collection sites, and then translating the information into estimating current and deflection angles, and potential forces on boom and rigging (Figure 7.4). For example, the selection of a booming strategy and technique should involve an understanding of the nature of current flow and the variations in speed between the faster-flowing cut-bank areas and the generally slower-moving, more quiescent areas along the inner bends in a river or stream (Figure 7.5). Current speeds increase as channels narrow and turbulence or eddies are common in the lee of shoals or islands and at a confluence.

Figure 7.4: Typical river flow patterns and boom deployments

Long description

The top panel is a demonstration of a typical river flow patterns and boom deployments. The patterns explained are fast and slow currents, EDDY, the turbulence and the combined flow. A shoal is also represented and three booms (orange line) are draw in the river to show where is the best site to contain oil.

The bottom panel is only representing a restricted flow faster current and creation of sand bars.

Figure 7.5: Example of booming strategy in a channel

Long description

The photo is showing a real example of two booms deployment in a channel to show the strategy that can be used.

7.1.3 Small and large woody material

Woody material is a common feature of rivers and streams in Canada. The origin of the material may be natural river bank erosion, upstream transport or beaver cutting and the woody deposits may occur as lines of debris at a former or current water level, log jams and beaver lodges or dams (Figure 7.6). Large woody material (LWM) is defined as an unconsolidated accumulation of material larger than 10 cm in diameter and small woody material (SWM) as similar accumulations less than 10 cm in diameter.

Figure 7.6: Line of woody material stranded at former high-water level

Long description

The photo is showing a big woody material stranded on a shoreline in a river. The big tree was brought by the high-water level. We can also see people and boats as a scale.

Debris lines or log jams typically are ephemeral features that are created by and reconfigured or removed by high water level events associated with period of high discharge, such as a spring freshet. Beaver activity sites with LWM may be defined as active or inactive lodges, feed piles, embankment dens, or dams (Figure 7.7).

Figure 7.7: Beaver activity site: feed pile

Long description

A big pile of branches and debris showing beaver activity site is on the photo. A person is standing beside as a scale.

Treatment approaches for small and large woody material are described in Section 6.3.1, Freshwater Substrate Information Sheet #13.

7.2 Subsurface oil on sediment beaches, banks or bars

7.2.1 Introduction

Stranded oil can penetrate sediments or be buried by wave and current action (Figure 7.8).

Figure 7.8: Oil stranding on shoreline

Long description

The draw is explaining the stranding of oil on shoreline by transport, sedimentation, breaking waves, water level changes and weathering process. There also is a point about penetration and/or burial oil in the sediment.

Penetration is controlled by the oil character and the sediment size – the potential for penetration decreases with viscosity and sediment grain size (Figure 7.9). Burial is the result of sediment transport and deposition by water flowing over the stranded oil (Figure 7.10).

Figure 7.9: Cobble beach on which emulsified oil has penetrated > 1 m before reaching an impermeable hard sand layer

Long description

This photo is showing layers of oil into a cobble sediment matrix on a beach. The oil was emulsified and the penetration was about > 1 m before to reach the impermeable layer. This one was a sand layer.

Figure 7.10: Oiled debris and sediments located approx. 5-10 cm below the sediment surface

Long description

The left panel is showing a layer of weathered oil under 5-10 cm of sediment and the right panel is showing a piece in a shovel of the sediment mixed with oil with a ruler as scale.

7.2.2 Detection and delineation

The current practice for detection and delineation of subsurface oil in sediment shorelines relies primarily on the use of manually or mechanically excavated pits and trenches to allow visual examination and documentation of subsurface conditions and/or sampling for offsite analysis. Table 7.2 summarizes existing accepted practices in terms of horizontal detection and delineation, vertical delineation, survey speed, oil character and relative cost.

Table 7.2: Comparison of the attributes of accepted existing and developing (or potential) technologies for detection and delineation of subsurface oil (revised from API 2014)
Attributes Existing procedures Developing technology
Pits/trenches Cores Jetting Canines Push probes Geo-physical Surface gas
favourable application important limitations or “not applicable” important limitations or “not applicable” method may be effective, depending on the circumstances important limitations or “not applicable” method may be effective, depending on the circumstances method may be effective, depending on the circumstances
method may be effective, depending on the circumstances method may be effective, depending on the circumstances favourable application important limitations or “not applicable” method may be effective, depending on the circumstances favourable application important limitations or “not applicable”
Survey speed important limitations or “not applicable” important limitations or “not applicable” favourable application method may be effective, depending on the circumstances favourable application method may be effective, depending on the circumstances method may be effective, depending on the circumstances
Oil character method may be effective, depending on the circumstances method may be effective, depending on the circumstances favourable application important limitations or “not applicable” method may be effective, depending on the circumstances important limitations or “not applicable” important limitations or “not applicable”
Relative cost favourable application important limitations or “not applicable” favourable application method may be effective, depending on the circumstances favourable application method may be effective, depending on the circumstances method may be effective, depending on the circumstances

Visual examination in pits and trenches, when used with a systematic SCAT documentation program has generally been adequate to meet operational needs. However, these procedures are typically labour intensive, excessively time consuming, and are limited in their ability to accurately and efficiently delineate the three-dimensional extent of subsurface oiling, particularly in the horizontal dimension. This limitation is largely because the excavations rely on discontinuous, or spot, samples which are collected either randomly or on fixed sampling grids. The accuracy of delineations using excavations can be improved through collection of additional samples, but only with additional expenditures of time and resources. Even with an intensive excavation survey, pitting and trenching may only cover a small percentage (< 0.1%) of the subsurface area. To a large degree, the selection of sample locations is based on the interpretation, by an experienced coastal geomorphologist or sedimentologist, of shoreline morphology and the recent history (typically days to weeks) of processes that cause erosion and deposition. This professional judgment does not guarantee that subsurface oil will be detected in the sample locations.

The speed and accuracy limitations of a pit or trench sampling survey can be overcome in some situations by oil detection canines (“detection dogs”; Section 7.4).

When a large number of pits are dug, the use of hand-held devices such as smart phones or tablets running any number of customizable data collection applications can be used to quickly collect spatial data, attribute information on oiling, and photographs of a large number of subsurface pits in a timelier manner. Relatively simple computer applications can document the pit observations efficiently, minimize paper transfers and provide a file for direct integration into a desktop GIS.

7.3 Submerged and sunken oil

Most oils have a density less than water and float in still-water conditions. Fresh water typically has a density of 1000 kg/m3 and oils that exceed that density may be submerged, temporarily or for lengthy time periods, or may sink to a lake or river bed. An oil that has a density less than fresh water may become denser due to weathering or emulsification or if it is mixed with macroscopic (>1 mm) shoreline, river bank or river bottom sediments (Section 4.1.6).

7.3.1 Definitions

Submerged oil

Oil below the surface of the water that is suspended within the water column (Figure 7.11). The primary controlling environmental factor is that of water movement:

Figure 7.11 Submerged and sunken oil

Long description

The drawing represents the processes of submerged and sunken oil into the water. There is a slick of oil at the surface and all the processes as non-floating oil, submerged oil, sunken oil, floating oil and stranded oil are visualized in the figure.

Sunken oil

Oil that is negatively buoyant deposited on the lake bed or river bed. Sunken oil may be reworked transported as bed load or buried (“subsurface sunken oil”). The primary sources and pathways for sunken oil include:

Figure 7.12 Sunken oil in shallow, nearshore freshwater environments

Long description

The four panels represent sunken oil in shallow freshwater environments. The top left panel is a oil accumulated in cord and sunken nearshore. The top right panel is tar balls sunken in a wetland. The bottom left panel show layers of oil accumulated at the bottom of a lake. The bottom right panel shows a hand taking a piece of oil that has accumulated at the bottom of the lake.

7.3.2 Detection and delineation

Many challenges exist for the detection and delineation of submerged and sunken oil. The most common constraining factors include water depth, visibility, currents, and the mobility of oil in the water column, unless the environment is a still-water location. Submerged and sunken mats may be visible from the air, boats, shorelines, or by snorkel or diver teams.

A range of techniques are available to detect and delineate sunken oil. The operating environments and the advantages and limitations of currently available detection and delineation techniques for sunken oil (Table 7.3) are described in API 2016.

Operationally, detection, delineation and response techniques may be broadly divided into shallow water/shore-based options (Figure 7.13) versus those that are deeper water and boat-based.

Table 7.3: Sunken oil detection and delineation options (revised from API 2016)
Sunken oil detection and delineation techniques Water depth range (m)
Manual Shovel, Pits and Agitation 0 - 2
Oil Detection Canines (Section 7.4) 0 - 1+
Visual Observations (aerial, snorkels, viewing tubes, etc.) 0 - 10
Bottom Samplers 0 - 250+
Diver (SCUBA or surface air) Observations 2 - 50
Stationary Sorbents 2 - ~25
Towed Sorbents 2 - ~ 25
Laser Fluorosensor 3 - 25
Camera/Video on AUV 3 - 250
Acoustic Camera 3 - 250
Side Scan Sonar System 3 - 250
Water Column Samples 5 - 100+

Figure 7.13: Shallow water/shore-based options for sunken oil detection and delineation

Long description

The top left panel shows people walking along the wetland to evaluate the contamination of sunken oil. The bottom left panel is showing a tar balls recuperated with a spoon in the bottom of the lake. The middle panel shows a team in zodiac and a magnifying glass to look into the bottom of the lake. The top right panel is the view in the magnifying glass.

7.3.3. Response options

Many challenges exist for the recovery of submerged oil of which the most constraining factor is the mobility of oil in the water column, unless the environment is a still-water location. The only practical options for submerged visible oil mats within the water column are vacuums/ pumps (depending on oil viscosity), trawls, nets, and sorbents.

A range of techniques are available to recover sunken oil (Figure 7.14). The operating environments and the advantages and limitations of currently available recovery techniques for sunken oil (Table 7.4) are described in API 2016. All dive activities in the vicinity of submerged or sunken must be conducted by commercial divers with appropriate PPE.

Figure 7.14: Sunken oil recovery options in shallow water with good visibility

Long description

The left panel is a team in a boat with a pumping system to recuperate oil in the bottom of a lake. The right panel is a worker with a vacuum pump to cleanup the bottom of the nearshore of a shoreline.

Table 7.4: Sunken oil recovery options (revised from API 2016)
Sunken oil recovery options Water depth range (m)
Manual Removal by Wading (includes Vacuum or Pump) < 2
Manual Removal by Snorkel or Divers 0 - 15
Excavator 0 - 2
Agitation/Refloating/Recovery 0 - 10
Trawls and Nets 0 - 25
Grab Dredge 0 - 50
Environmental Clamshell 0 - 50
Diver-Held Vacuum or Pump 2 - 50
Suction Dredge 2 - 15
Sorbents 2 - 25

7.4 Oil detection canines

Recent advances for the detection and delineation of both surface and subsurface oil on shorelines have resulted from controlled field trials and participation in oil spill response operations using trained oil detection canines (ODCs) and professional handlers. In particular, field trials have demonstrated that:

The proven applications of ODCs to support shoreline oiling assessment surveys (K9 SCAT) are summarized in Table 7.5.

Table 7.5: Applications of an oil detection canine team to support SCAT field surveys
Clearance missions Clearance of shorelines or areas with no detectable surface or subsurface oil (at least to 1 m depths and in concentrations on the order of low parts per million)
Difficult to observe oils Detection and delineation of low concentrations of surface (as well as subsurface) oil that may be difficult to observe, such as light fuel oils, in concentrations to low parts per million
Subsurface oil in sediments Detection and delineation of subsurface oil in sediments oil (at least to 1 m depths and in concentrations on the order of low parts per million)
Oil in vegetation or debris Detection and delineation of oil in shoreline vegetation or within vegetation/woody debris or wrack lines
Subsurface oil in snow Detection and delineation of subsurface oil in snow (to undetermined depths)
Shallow underwater oil Detection of shallow underwater oil (at least to a 1 m water depth)

An ODC team can survey at track line speeds on the order of 3 to 6 km/hr on sand beaches and 2.5 to 4.5 km/hr on more difficult coarse-sediment beaches. These speeds equate to an equivalent alongshore subsurface detection coverage speed up to 2.4 km/hr on sand beaches and 200 to 500 m/hr on coarse-sediment beaches. Field trials showed that an ODC can locate subsurface oil and can achieve this detection and delineation with a better efficiency and greater accuracy (high confidence, low risk) compared to traditional manual or mechanical excavation based on spot samples (low confidence, high risk). This capability is particularly valuable for clearance surveys in which an ODC team can cover large areas rapidly with a high confidence of No Detectable Oil (NDO) (Figure 7.15), thus saving considerable amounts of time and effort and freeing experienced SCAT Team Leads to focus on oiled areas where treatment actions may be required.

On many responses, 50% or greater of the SCAT survey effort is spent surveying areas that have No Observed Oil (NOO).

Figure 7.15: Oil Detection Canine (ODC) team conducting search of wide mud flat with vegetation

Long description

The photo is showing a dog and his handler (K9-team) looking for contamination of oil in shoreline.

7.5 Unmanned aerial systems (uASs)

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) are a valuable tool with specific applications for shoreline surveys or in the broader context of an oil spill response, particularly for freshwater environments without pre-existing segmentation and/or video coverage (e.g. a large proportion of Canadian inland waterways).

Small UASs (sUASs; <25 kg) are a relatively easy-to-use, rapidly deployable, and practical local surveillance tool on oil spills for many over-water and over-land applications, including SCAT surveys on shorelines. In addition, advances in larger, longer endurance fixed-wing UAS vehicles offer the potential to perform extended Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) surveys covering larger geographic regions than is feasible with sUAS, which offers the potential to replace typical missions performed by manned fixed-wing or helicopter platforms.

The most common, applicable and readily available platforms for conducting SCAT field surveys are summarized in Table 7.6.

Table 7.6: Current sUAS platforms available to support SCAT field surveys
Platform type Advantages Constraints
  • common uses include aerial photography and video aerial inspection
  • accessibility
  • ease of use
  • Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) and hover flight
  • good camera control
  • able to operate in a confined area
  • short flight times
  • small payload capacity
  • common uses include aerial mapping, and pipeline and power line inspections
  • long endurance
  • large area coverage
  • fast flight speed
  • launch and recovery need a lot of space
  • no VTOL/hover
  • harder to fly
  • more training needed
  • expensive
Tethered Systems (balloons), Single-Rotor (helicopter) and Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL
  • tethered or balloon systems have seen limited action in a testing environment
  • the latter options are either too expensive or under development at this time to be considered for application in oil spill reconnaissance
  • extended flight times
  • ability to monitor single locations for longer periods of time
  • limited by range and the presence of objects which may interfere with tether lines and further limit coverage areas
  • more dangerous
  • harder to fly
  • more training needed
  • expensive
  • still in development

There currently exist several options for shoreline survey methodology with sUASs. Similar to K9 SCAT surveys, these types of survey are unique in that a qualified SCAT person is needed as well as a trained professional to operate the UAS (or handler in the case of K9 surveys). Ideally these are not the same person thus allowing each to focus on their specific responsibilities. Most sUASs can be operated from a tablet atop the controller allowing the SCAT team lead to observe imagery mid-flight. This however can be difficult depending on the lighting conditions and may interfere with the pilot’s ability to safely operate the unit.

sUAS surveys are documented in much the same manner as traditional foot, boat or aircraft surveys. However, because of the variables involved an alternate, simplified oiling summary form is more practical. The Shoreline Oiling Aerial Reconnaissance (SOAR) form has been developed to meet the data capture needs of a sUAS shoreline survey. Although some components of the form are familiar to traditional SCAT there are modifications to the oiling Information section to streamline and simplify the capture of oiling data (Figure 7.16).

Figure 7.16: Shoreline oiling aerial reconnaissance (SOAR) form

Long description

The table is an example of a part of the shoreline oiling aerial reconnaissance form. Each column represents the oil band, surface oil distribution, surface oil thickness, surface oil type and subsurface oil. Each column has a value to help identify the contamination on the shoreline.

For traditional shoreline surveys, sUASs could be considered as a replacement to foot- and boat-based surveys when access and/or safety are an issue. However, sUAS surveys do not provide the same level of detail as a foot inspection and this should be factored into the decision process. sUAS imagery can be very reliable for large area, bulk oiling situations or highly visible and contrasting visual oiling scenarios. However, sUASs will likely not suffice for final or sign-off inspections unless access or safety concerns are an issue.

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