50th Anniversary of FPCC

50th Anniversary Celebration!

2022 marked 50 years since the creation of the Farm Products Agencies Act, which established the Farm Products Council of Canada. To commemorate the milestone, FPCC organized an evening reception to celebrate with industry stakeholders and a conference with interesting guest speakers and informative panel discussions.  

You can access our Picture Gallery at these links:

Reception and Conference

2022 Conference Panel Discussion Report

The first panel focused on the Importance of Producer-led Promotion and Research in Canada. The focus of the second panel was to identify the Benefit of Supply Management in Canada, to discuss the importance of an open dialogue, and find opportunities to strengthen and promote this system that served the public interest well over the last 50 years.

To access the report please follow this link.

50th Historical Book and Promotion Video

The 50th Historical Book reflects the history and account of Council and was written by historian Jodey Nurse, Research Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo. The video focuses on the role and responsibilities of the Council, as well as the historical context in which the Farm Products Agencies Act was created. To download a copy of the book or to view the video please follow these links. If you are interested in receiving a printed copy please contact us.

Historical Book and FPCC Video

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