Funded projects for the Oceans Management Contribution Program


Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Oceans Management Contribution Program offers $145 million over five years to support outreach, monitoring and stewardship, and capacity building initiatives to achieve Canada's commitment to marine conservation targets.

The program’s second Call for Proposals ran from November to December 2022. A total of $11.01 million in funding was identified for the 10 projects listed below, for the next three years. These projects include five non-profits, three Indigenous organizations and two academic recipients.

Funded projects for the Oceans Management Contribution Program
Organization name Project title Province Project Description Total Funding
Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition and Ocean Networks Canada Society Ocean Week Canada and Advancing the Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy British Columbia Increase public awareness of and connection to Canada's coastlines, the ocean, and the waterways leading to it. The project builds off of the success of Ocean Week Canada 2022 and first year since the Canadian Ocean Literacy Strategy was implemented. $5,325,099 over 3 years
Kwiakah Indian Band Kwiakah Enhanced Capacity for Marine Conservation British Columbia Increase marine conservation efforts supported by additional scientific evidence gathered through three research and assessment studies. Studies will be conducted to fill knowledge gaps. $300,000 over 3 years
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society Scientific data collection from priority conservation sites in the coastal marine environment of Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Collect baseline scientific data from nearshore marine sites in Nova Scotia that have been prioritized by Fisheries and Oceans Canada as potential marine protected area establishments, through the Marine Protected Area network design for Maritimes Region. $879,750 over 3 years
Clear Seas Centre for Responsible Marine Shipping Society Clear Seas - Integrating Shipping into Ocean Conservation and Management Decisions British Columbia Address the gaps and challenges related to availability, access to, understanding of and capacity to engage with shipping data. Support Indigenous and coastal community users in exploring and engaging with marine conservation values that are a priority to their communities. $1,250,100 over 3 years
NunatuKavut Community Council Inc. Advancing Protection, Conservation and Management of Gilbert Bay Cod Through Co-Management of the Guilbert Bay MPA by the NunatuKavut Community Council and DFO, Increased Local Engagement and Integration of Indigenous Knowledge Newfoundland and Labrador Increase and advance the protection, conservation and management of Gilbert Bay cod. Transition to co-management of the Gilbert Bay Marine Protected Area by the NunatuKavut Community Council. Increasing local engagement and integration of Indigenous knowledge. $1,652,301 over 3 years
Coastal First Nations - Great Bear Initiative Society Coastal Stewardship Network - Regional Monitoring System British Columbia Ensure that Coastal First Nations - Great Bear Initiative’s member Nations' Stewardship Offices, technical staff, and Coastal Guardian Watchmen have the most effective digital data collection tools. Ensure they also have the training needed to fully utilize those tools, for the purpose of monitoring their territories, gathering data, and making informed decisions in support of sustainable stewardship and conservation of species and habitats. $177,464 over 2 years
Dalhousie University AISviz - making vessels tracking data and maps available to everyone Nova Scotia Build national capacity to access, process, and visualize historical and real-time Automated Identification Systems vessel traffic data. Monitor and predict the effect of commercial and leisure vessels in current and future marine protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures. $420,412 over 3 years
Dalhousie University Assessing habitat use of macrofauna and assessing effectiveness of scallop buffer zones marine refuges in Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence Nova Scotia Adopt a seascape ecological approach to collect data sets that facilitate comparisons between exclusion zones and fished zones in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence for the purpose of addressing knowledge gaps. $441,692 over 3 years
Intervale Associates Inc Increasing Community Collaboration, Knowledge, and Capacity for Conservation and Management of Hare Bay, Great Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland Newfoundland and Labrador Advance Canada's marine conservation targets by building capacity in the Great Northern Peninsula and establishing a management plan for Hare Bay with an other effective area-based conservation measure. $154,360 over 2 years
Shorefast Foundation Fogo Island Community Science Pilot Program Newfoundland and Labrador Facilitate community science initiatives in rural and remote regions. Increase collaboration to support future conservation and management efforts. Increase knowledge bases of our marine environments through hands-on learning and digitalization. Increase capacity to facilitate further research efforts and expand community ocean literacy. Promote multi-generational community driven initiatives for stewardship conservation. $389,300 over 3 years

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