British Columbia small craft harbours, Budget 2024


Projects funded by Budget 2024 will be undertaken at the following Fisheries and Oceans small craft harbours in British Columbia. Projects range from repairs to reconstruction of assets, or dredging related work.

Further details on the nature and cost of each project will be made available as the respective tendering processes are completed.

Harbour Projects
Alert Bay Wharf and float reconstruction
Campbell River Float reconstruction
Comox Wharf and float reconstruction
Cowichan Bay Wharf and float reconstruction
Crofton Wharf and float reconstruction
Fanny Bay Float reconstruction
Fulford  Wharf reconstruction
Ladner (Delta) Wharf and float reconstruction
Maintenance dredging
Ladysmith Wharf reconstruction
Lund Float reconstruction
Oona River Maintenance dredging 
Secret Cove Wharf and float reconstruction
Steveston (Gulf of Georgia) Wharf and float reconstruction
Steveston (Paramount) Harbour and fire system reconstruction
Maintenance dredging 
*Channel Dredging (adjacent to Steveston Gulf of Georgia and Paramount harbours) DFO contribution to secondary channel dredging located at the entry points of both Steveston Gulf of Georgia and Paramount Harbours. This dredging is in partnership with Steveston Harbour Authority, City of Richmond, and the Province of British Columbia. 
Tofino (4th Street) – Floats  Wharf and float reconstruction
Tsehum (Shoal Harbour) Wharf and float reconstruction
Vancouver (False Creek) Wharf and bulkhead reconstruction 
Vesuvius Bay Wharf and float reconstruction

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