Government of Canada and Province of New Brunswick fund improvements to infrastructure, innovation and science partnerships in the fish and seafood sector


Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Province of New Brunswick are pleased to announce a total contribution of over $38 million for 72 projects through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund.

The funding supports productivity, product quality and sustainability through improvements to processing, aquaculture, harvesting and multisector projects in the fish and seafood sector of New Brunswick.

Recipient Location Project Description Project Costs AFF Contribution
Processing Sector
11656520 Canada Inc. (Pointe Sapin Seafoods) Pointe-Sapin Acquisition of a continuous cooker cooler to improve lobster product quality and productivity. $249,000 $99,900
Amco Fisheries Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase herring processing equipment to improve productivity. $129,990 $99,442
Area 52 Ltd. Lutes Mountain Support the development of an automated lobster tail de-veining machine to increase productivity. $137,467 $98,976
Arseneau Fish Market Ltd. Nigadoo Acquisition of a lobster mincing machine to make more effective use of the resource $118,140 $88,605
Arseneau Fish Market Ltd. Nigadoo Acquisition of lobster netting stations to improve productivity. $104,766 $75,431
Baie Ste-Anne Seafoods (2014) Inc. Baie-Ste-Anne Acquisition of a continuous flow system in order to improve lobster product quality and productivity. $198,403 $99,825
Bas-Caraquet Fisheries Inc. Bas-Caraquet Purchase equipment to crush lobster and crab shells for easier removal, to improve productivity. $129,500 $67,057
Bolero Shellfish Processing Inc. Saint-Simon Acquisition of automated lobster processing equipment to improve productivity. $290,356 $99,900
Boudreau Farm & Sea Products Ltd. Petit-Cap Purchase equipment to mechanize the smoked herring production and improve productivity. $133,900 $99,500
Cape Bald Packers, Limited Cap-Pelé Automation of claw scoring, to improve lobster quality/yield. $1,250,000 $937,500
Cap-Pelé Herring Export Inc. Cap-Pelé Design and implement improvements to an automated herring rodding machine, to increase productivity. $112,109 $89,687
Christian Larocque Services Ltée Lamèque Develop new processes to integrate dredge equipment residues into the composting of fish and seafood processing plant waste. $136,021 $99,383
Duguay Fish Packers Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase equipment and undertake renovations for a controlled environment herring packaging process, to improve productivity. $125,673 $96,333
Gaudet & Ouellette Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase herring processing equipment, to improve productivity. $149,720 $99,489
Great Little Harbour Seafood Bouctouche Bay Acquire and install new cold rooms in order to increase the quality of fresh oysters and mitigate impacts of climate change. $122,266 $97,813
Ichiboshi L.P.C. LTD. Caraquet Purchase equipment to improve productivity in crab processing plant. $396,490 $99,500
La Maison Beausoleil (2010) INC. Neguac Acquire and install holding tanks and a shower system for oyster processing and wet storage to facilitate supplying consistently year-round to markets, increase productivity, and reduce mortality rate. $2,356,721 $1,061,782
Leslie Leger & Sons Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase and implement an Ion Smoke System to reduce processing cycle and smoke emission. $124,110 $89,607
M & M Cormier Fisheries Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase herring dehydration equipment, to improve productivity. $44,450 $34,449
Merex Incorporated Scoudouc Acquisition of a strip cutter and warehouse management system to improve product quality and productivity. $142,156 $99,950
New Brunswick Crab Processors Inc. Shippagan Engineering, and manufacturing of a conveyor system to automate the off-loading of snow crab landings. $686,122 $561,122
North Taste Flavorings Inc. Anse-Bleue Purchase and install cooking, mixing and emulsifying equipment to support company diversification and growth. $1,078,147 $860,141
Ocean Pier Inc. Scoudouc Addition of a new production line for seafood ready to eat products for increased quality and productivity. $1,567,481 $1,175,611
Ocean Pier Inc. Scoudouc Addition of new energy efficient processing equipment for new seafood-based ready-to-eat products to increase productivity, sustainability, and quality. $4,000,000 $3,000,000
Pathway to Innovations Shediac Bridge Develop a fully automated robotic lobster butchering cell $218,228 $99,900
St. Laurent Gulf Products Ltd. Bas-Caraquet Acquire equipment to considerably reducing energy consumption and increase productivity of the salmon by-product processing facility. $1,433,815 $788,598
Sylmar Seafood Inc. Cap-Pelé Purchase lobster processing equipment to diversify operations. $2,121,741 $1,568,806
Sylmar Seafood Inc. and Leslie Leger and Sons Ltd. Cap-Pelé Purchase of air pressure, cooling and conditioning systems to improve product quality in in the new lobster processing plant. $693,700 $520,275
Thaddee & Alverie Fisheries Ltd. Petit-Cap Purchase herring processing equipment, to improve productivity. $117,712 $80,581
Westmorland Fisheries Ltd. Cap-Pelé Digitalization of the seafood processing operations which will lead to improved productivity, quality, and reduce waste. $133,177 $99,884
Y.R.U. Cooking Ltd. Bouctouche Purchase packaging equipment for secondary seafood processing to improve productivity. $161,245 $99,488
Aquaculture Sector
Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association L’Etang Evaluate the efficacy of a wild-exposed salmon enhancement program in inner Bay of Fundy for the restoration of Atlantic Salmon. $1,912,446 $921,744
Buctouche MicMac Buctouche Acquisition of refrigeration equipment for oyster cold storage to increase productivity, quality and sustainability. $108,250 $81,187
East Coast Innovation Inc. St. George Conduct sea trials to test an innovative fish transfer technology for the finfish aquaculture sector. $978,770 $451,675
First Fathom Inc. Big Bay Conduct trials of innovative infrastructure supporting deep water high tidal range bivalve aquaculture. $210,893 $99,392
Heron Island First Nation Aquaculture Corp. Eel River Bar First Nation Purchase of an oyster barge and workstation in order to improve the productivity and sustainability. $133,630 $99,900
Institut de recherche sur les zones côtières Inc. Shippagan Evaluation of the performance of diploid and triploid artic char using the latest land-based aquaculture technologies $691,413 $622,271
J&S Oysters Inc. Bouctouche Acquisition and installation of a walk-in cooler to increase productivity, quality and sustainability. $138,249 $99,900
King Aquaculture Inc. Richibucto-Village Demonstration of an oyster aquaculture system to increase the productivity and sustainability of the oyster aquaculture sector. $2,250,000 $1,117,915
L2 – Aquaculture Research & Production Inc. Lamèque Acquire and install a custom built FlipFarm basket system to enable the grow oysters in dynamic environments to increase oyster farming capacity in New Brunswick and productivity of operations. $147,115 $99,900
L2 – Aquaculture Research & Production Inc. Lamèque Develop an effective wintering and flipping system using the FlipFarm systems to improve productivity of oyster farming operations. $84,589 $67,671
LCJ Oyster Aquaculture Inc. Bouctouche Acquire custom equipment to assist in flipping oyster cages mechanically in order to improve productivity. $123,360 $98,688
L'Etang Ruisseau Bar Ltée Haut-Shippagan Improve oyster hatchery processes to improve quality and sustainability through the partial automation of six key operational systems. $118,000 $94,400
M.R. Jaillet Enterprises Inc. Baie de Bouctouche Purchase oyster grading and bagging equipment to improve productivity. $132,537 $99,469
Martial Power Pokemouche Purchase oyster grading equipment to improve productivity. $140,500 $99,488
Michael Archilles Lepreau Conduct trials of innovative infrastructure supporting high tidal range oyster aquaculture. $107,602 $69,272
Prime-X2 Technologies Inc. Beresford To build the prototype of an automated equipment washer for the oyster industry. $96,950 $77,560
Prime-X2 Technologies Inc. Beresford Support the development of a water-saving automated tote washing machine for use in the seafood sector in order to improve productivity and sustainability. $99,716 $79,773
Sigenigtog Oyster Inc. Richibucto Acquisition and installation of a walk-in cooler to increase productivity, quality and sustainability. $108,880 $74,993
Southeast Aquaculture Inc. Dundas Parish Purchase oyster aquaculture and processing equipment to increase capacity and improve productivity. $1,730,897 $834,378
Sweeney International Marine Corp. St. Stephen Acquire a high resolution of side scan sonar to offer new and more effective services to the aquaculture industry to improve productivity and sustainability. $104,023 $83,219
The New Brunswick Association of CBDCs Province of New Brunswick Deliver Phase 2 of the Oyster Farm Development Program to grow the sector and improve productivity. $5,985,000 1,626,000
Harvesting Sector
661845 N.-B. INC. Caraquet Purchase and install a holding well refrigeration system for an existing redfish and crab vessel, to improve catch quality. $99,828 $49,914
(Pêcherie Benjamin Félix)
Association Des Crabiers Acadiens Inc. Shippagan This project aims to validate that vessel stabilizers may cut ropes of snow crab gear and to redesign vessel stabilizers to reduce the occurrence of ghost gear. $300,000 $240,000
Association Des Pêcheurs Professionnels Crabiers Acadiens Inc. Shippagan Tests and trials of new on demand snow crab fishing gear to reduce whale entanglement. $1,147,235 $766,828
Coastal Enterprises Ltd. Saint John Purchase and install water quality monitoring and maintenance systems for lobster and seafood holding and processing facilities, to improve product quality and increase productivity. $207,900 $99,408
Drastic Fisheries Ltd. Grand Manan Purchase and install live well equipment in a new lobster fishing vessel, to improve catch quality and operational efficiencies. $135,500 $49,250
Dream Boat Fisheries Inc. Lords Cove Purchase equipment to more efficiently hold and manage live Jonah and Rock crab destined for processing, to increase sustainability and productivity. $42,248 $19,718
Fundy Gem Fisheries Inc Grand Manan Installation of live wells to increase product quality. $131,625 $50,000
Homarus Inc. Baie des Chaleurs Trial of innovative and alternative scallop harvesting equipment. $64,900 $49,720
Homarus Inc. Shediac Purchase a transponder release system to facilitate the recovery of long term water monitoring stations in the waters along the eastern New Brunswick coastline, improving work efficiency and supporting a sustainable fishery. $99,876 $59,981
Just Four Seafoods Inc. Grand Manan Purchase and install water quality maintenance system for live lobster holding, to improve product quality and increase productivity. $380,510 $99,405
Knot Agin Fisheries Ltd. Wilson’s Beach Purchase and install live well equipment in a new lobster and scallop fishing vessel, to improve catch quality and operational efficiencies. $131,375 $50,000
Les Pêcheries A.C.N. Ltée Petit-Lamèque Purchase and install a refrigerated sea water system in a crab fishing vessel, to improve catch quality and productivity. $168,900 $75,000
Pêcheries MV Stelie Ltée Caraquet Purchase and install equipment for an existing shrimp vessel, to improve productivity. $106,531 $82,562
Special K Fisheries Ltd. Grand Manan Purchase and install water quality maintenance system for live lobster holding, to improve product quality and increase productivity. $616,445 $462,334
TC Harbour Lobsters Inc. Dipper Harbour Purchase water quality and monitoring equipment for land-based lobster holding facility to improve product quality and increase productivity. $1,310,970 $983,228
Young’s Lobster Company Ltd. Northern Harbour Purchase equipment to improve productivity at a live lobster production facility. $215,264 $99,413
Multisector projects
LearnSphere Canada Inc. Fredericton Deliver the Knowledge Transfer Program to help the fish and seafood industry access technical and operational expertise to effectively and strategically inform future investment decisions. $1,079,782 $903,164
Maritime Cold Storage Ltd. Portage Purchase equipment to expand public cold storage capacity, to improve productivity and sustainability of the fish and seafood sector. $5,583,600 $1,500,000
The New Brunswick Association of CBDCs Province of New Brunswick Delivery of the Seafood Technology Adoption Program in order to increase the productivity, competitiveness, quality and/or sustainability of the seafood sector in New Brunswick $11,203,750 $9,100,000
Xtreme Cold Storage Ltd. Dieppe Purchase equipment to expand public cold storage capacity, to improve productivity and sustainability of the fish and seafood sector. $23,525,788 $3,900,000

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