Venezuela sanctions


Effective immediately, Canada is imposing further sanctions against members of the Maduro regime and those closest to it.

Canadian measures

The Special Economic Measures (Venezuela) Regulations impose asset freezes and dealings prohibitions on listed persons by prohibiting persons in Canada and Canadians outside of Canada from dealing in any property of these individuals or providing financial or related services to them.

The specific prohibitions are set out in the Regulations.

The names of the individuals targeted by these Regulations are:

  • Tania Valentina DÍAZ GONZÁLEZ
  • Fidel Ernesto VÁSQUEZ IRIARTE
  • Carolys Helena PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ
  • Cilia Adela FLORES DE MADURO
  • Erika del Valle FARÍAS PEÑA
  • Ramón Darío VIVAS VELASCO
  • Christian TYRONE ZERPA
  • Fanny Beatriz MÁRQUEZ CORDERO
  • Malaquías GIL RODRÍGUEZ
  • Jhannett María MADRIZ SOTILLO
  • Carlos Enrique QUINTERO CUEVAS
  • Xavier Antonio MORENO REYES
  • Carlos Alberto ROTONDARO COVA
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