Minister Joly meets with French counterpart


January 20, 2022 - Paris, France - Global Affairs Canada

The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met yesterday with Jean-Yves Le Drian, France’s Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Among the subjects addressed during their meeting, the ministers shared their points of view on the buildup of Russian troops in and around Ukraine. Minister Joly emphasized the importance of maintaining unwavering support for Ukraine to deter any future Russian aggression. Ministers Joly and Le Drian underscored the importance of continued dialogue aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict. They also shared views on the situations in Lebanon, the Sahel and the Indo-Pacific region.

The ministers also discussed the foreign ministers’ meeting on Haiti, which will be hosted by Minister Joly on January 21, 2022. Minister Joly was pleased to hear that Minister Le Drian will attend the meeting, and they agreed on the importance of international collaboration to address the challenges faced by Haiti and Haitians particularly with respect to security issues.

Finally, ministers Joly and Le Drian welcomed the signing of the Canada-France In-Flight Security Officer Treaty. The ministers agreed on the importance of safer skies and highlighted the treaty as a symbol of the strong security relationship between the two countries.

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Maeva Proteau
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Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

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