Canada announces development assistance projects in the Philippines


Canada has announced $12 million (PHP 519 million) in development assistance funding for 3 projects in the Philippines that will strengthen the Philippines’ climate financing, support women’s empowerment in conflict-affected communities, and revitalize communities. The projects are as follows:

Accelerating Green and Climate Finance in the Philippines: United Nations Development Programme, $4.5 million over 5 years

The Philippines’ vulnerability to climate change, high exposure to natural hazards and dependence on climate-sensitive natural resources affect the lives of Filipinos, especially women, children and inhabitants of the poorest and most vulnerable communities. The project aims to accelerate the flow of private capital to investments in nature-based solutions (including for marine-protected areas), improve financial institutions’ integration of gender-responsive and climate-related policies in their lending programs, and strengthen monitoring and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals’ impacts of green and climate investments.

Empowering Women for Sustainable Peace in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao: UN Women and United Nations Development Programme, $3 million over 3.5 years

This project aims to prevent insecurity and violence in conflict-affected communities in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao by strengthening the role of women as peace mediators and by improving government capacity to deliver policies and programs on conflict prevention and resolution. The project supports the implementation of the Bangsamoro Regional Action Plan on Women, Peace, and Security.

Bangsamoro Normalization Trust Fund: World Bank Group, $4.5 million over 3.5 years

The Bangsamoro Normalization Trust Fund will assist former combatants of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and their communities to achieve their desired quality of life in a peaceful and inclusive manner; the fund will also contribute to the transformation of 6 previously acknowledged Moro Islamic Liberation Front camps into peaceful and productive communities.

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