Canada announces  development programs to support food security, education, health and sexual and reproductive health and rights in Tanzania


Canada announced $212.75 million in development programming as Minister Sajjan concluded his trip to Tanzania.

Strengthening Tanzania’s Primary Health-Care System for Women and Girls (Health Basket Fund)
$75.5 million: $75 million (Government of Tanzania) and $500,000 (UNICEF)

The Health Basket Fund aims to support the primary health-care elements of Tanzania’s Health Sector Strategic Plan V. Project activities include delivering life-saving essential primary health-care services; conducting small-scale rehabilitation of health facilities; training, mentoring and supervising health-care workers; and more. Technical assistance is being provided to the Health Basket Fund through UNICEF.

Accelerated Hope and Development for Urban Adolescents in Tanzania Through Gender Equality
$15 million
World Vision Canada

This project seeks to support the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), well-being and dignity of marginalized adolescent girls and boys in all their diversity. Project activities include identifying and addressing barriers to health-related human rights for adolescents; enhancing the inclusive and equitable use of quality adolescent-friendly, gender-responsive, resilient SRHR and nutrition services; and empowering the most vulnerable adolescent girls and boys to participate in gender-equitable, poverty-reducing, income-generating activities through both the labour market and entrepreneurship programs.

Adolescent Girls’ Health and Rights
$15 million
Plan International Canada

This project seeks to support the SRHR of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) 10 to 24 years old. Project activities include building AGYW’s individual and collective agency by increasing their access to SRHR-supporting services, sexual and gender-based violence prevention services, menstrual health and hygiene services, infection prevention and control services, and nutrition information and services.

Every Adolescent Girl Learns
$25 million

This project aims to increase equitable access to learning and provide skills-development opportunities for adolescent girls in Tanzania. These opportunities may, in turn, advance their empowerment and access to rewarding work.

Empowerment Through Skills Program
$25 million
Colleges and Institutes of Canada

The Empowerment Through Skills Program aims to increase the economic participation of women and adolescent girls in Tanzania. To achieve this, 12 folk development colleges and 16 community-based organizations will be supported in designing and delivering effective skills training for women and adolescent girls.

Feminist Entrepreneurs Growing Green Economies
$19.25 million
Mennonite Economic Development Associates Canada

The objective of the Feminist Entrepreneurs Growing Green Economies project is to reduce barriers faced by 22,500 entrepreneurs, including 20,000 women entrepreneurs, and 300 small and medium-sized enterprises in 8 dryland and semi-arid regions in Tanzania: Arusha, Dodoma, Iringa, Kilimanjaro, Singida, Simyu, Shinyaga and Manyara.

CanGIVE COVID-19 Vaccination and Health System Strengthening in Tanzania
$23 million: $15.8 million (UNICEF) and $7.2 million (World Health Organization)

As part of Canada’s signature Global Initiative for Vaccine Equity (CanGIVE) initiative, UNICEF and the World Health Organization will implement projects in Tanzania to integrate COVID-19 vaccination into routine health services, thereby reaching high-priority groups. Projects will reinforce health systems by strengthening community outreach, data systems and the delivery of gender-equitable immunization and primary health care.

Building Rights for Improved Girls’ Health in Tanzania
$15 million
Nutrition International

This project aims to utilize nutrition programming as an entry point to providing young and pregnant girls in the remote rural region of Tabora with equitable, gender-responsive, adolescent-friendly nutrition and SRHR- and sexual and gender-based violence-protection information and services. The project will also help build agency in adolescents from 10 to 19 years old and empower them to exercise their sexual and reproductive health and nutrition rights. Overall, the initiative will support and deliver an integrated package of SRHR and nutrition services.

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