Jeanette Sautner - Biographical notes


Jeanette Sautner (BA Hons [Intercultural Communication], Trent University, 1994; LLB, University of Toronto Faculty of Law, 1998) joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in 2000. At Headquarters, she has served as junior counsel in the Trade Law Bureau, senior officer in the Human Rights Policy Division, legal officer in the UN, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Division, deputy director of the Criminal, Security and Diplomatic Law Division, legal officer in the Oceans and Environmental Law Division, deputy director for pan-Africa affairs, deputy director, Consular Issues and International Engagement Program, and head of the Global Consular Affairs Secretariat. Overseas, she served as first secretary in Venezuela (2001 to 2003) and counsellor in Australia (2008 to 2012) and Poland (2019 to 2023).

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