Certain substances requiring information for risk management
Mandatory survey - section 71 notices
The purpose of these section 71 notices is to gather information that will inform decision-making for the risk management of the approximately 80 implicated substances. This includes informing performance measurement and amendments to existing risk management instruments, identifying whether there are new sources of exposure that may require risk management, and informing the development and implementation of new risk management instruments.
Information is needed from manufacturers, importers and users of these substances to identify current commercial data, such as quantities and applications of these substances in Canadian commerce.
This information gathering initiative was implemented through 2 separate notices with staggered reporting timelines.
Summer 2017 survey
In April 2017, a notice was issued in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 151, No. 13 – April 1, 2017 under section 71 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). The notice applied to approximately 31 substances that are toxic or proposed to be toxic as defined under section 64 of CEPA 1999.
Every person to whom the notice for Summer 2017 applied was required to comply no later than June 28, 2017, 3 p.m. EDST.
Fall 2017 survey
In April 2017, a notice was issued in the Canada Gazette, Part I: Vol. 151, No. 13 – April 1, 2017 under section 71 of CEPA 1999. The notice applied to 50 substances that are toxic as defined under section 64 of CEPA 1999.
Every person to whom the notice for fall 2017 applied was required to comply no later than September 27, 2017, 3 p.m. EST.
How to submit a response
Responses to the section 71 notices must be submitted via Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window.
Environment and Climate Change Canada's (ECCC's) Single Window provides a single point of access to view and update your information with ECCC's regulatory program reporting applications. The Single Window Information Manager allows users to enter, edit or update information about their profile, organizations, facilities and contacts, to manage roles for other users, and to navigate to program-specific reporting tools.
Please note that under subsection 71(4) of CEPA 1999, extensions may be granted for each notice in some cases upon written request. To apply for an extension, a written request must be submitted to the Minister of the Environment, to the attention of the Substances Management Coordinator, prior to the deadline for each notice. The request must include the legal name of the party requiring an extension, as well as the reason for the extension request.
Persons who do not meet the reporting requirements of the notices, but who have an interest in reportable substances covered by these notices are encouraged to identify themselves as a stakeholder for those substances by submitting voluntary Declarations of Stakeholder Interest online via Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window. The Declaration of Stakeholder Interest also allows persons to submit voluntary information on these substances that would be beneficial to inform risk management. The person may be contacted for further information regarding their interest in these substances.
Persons who do not meet the requirements to respond to the notices and have no commercial interest in the substances listed in the notices may complete Declarations of Non-Engagement for each notice online via Environment and Climate Change Canada's Single Window.
For general inquiries, or to request a copy of the Chemicals Management Plan Online Reporting How-To Guide, please contact us and use the subject line "Risk management section 71 inquiry".
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