Aniline public summary
CAS Registry Number 62-53-3
What is it?
- Aniline is an industrial chemical.
How is it used?
- Worldwide, the majority of aniline is used to produce another chemical that is used to make flexible and rigid polyurethane foam.
- Aniline is also used in the production of chemicals used in the processing of rubber and petrochemicals in Canada.
- Aniline may also be found as a residual (leftover from manufacturing process) in consumer products (for example, some cooking utensils used in food preparation and some permanent markers).
- Aniline has not been registered as an active ingredient or as a formulant in pest control products in Canada. However, some agricultural chemicals may be a potential source of aniline in the environment.
- Aniline and its salts are manufactured in Canada as a by-product of chemical manufacturing and are also imported into Canada.
Why is the Government of Canada assessing it?
- Aniline was included on the Priority Substances List (PSL) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1988) in 1989 in order to assess the potential environmental and human health risks posed by exposure to aniline in Canada.
- The PSL Assessment Report on aniline was published in 1994 and concluded that aniline is not harmful to the environment. However, the lack of relevant data on exposure prevented the Government of Canada from concluding if aniline was considered to be harmful to human health.
- Additional data relevant to characterizing exposure of Canadians to aniline have become available since the release of the 1994 assessment report and the 2002 follow-up report. The Government of Canada has assessed the new information to determine if aniline is harmful to human health at current levels of exposure.
How are Canadians exposed to it?
- Canadians may be exposed to low levels of aniline through dietary intake, as aniline is present in some foods, including apples.
- Canadians may also be exposed to low levels of aniline in some cooking utensils and in some permanent markers.
- Canadians may also be exposed to aniline from its presence in tobacco smoke.
What are the results of the assessment?
- The Government of Canada has conducted an assessment of aniline which addresses potential for harm to human to the general population in Canada (not including workplace exposures).
- Based on the PSL Assessment Report on aniline published in 1994, the Government of Canada concluded that aniline is not entering the environment in a quantity or under conditions that constitute a danger to the environment.
- Based on the conclusion of the final assessment, the Government of Canada has also concluded that aniline is not harmful to the health of the general population of Canada at current levels of exposure.
What is the Government of Canada doing?
- Based on the conclusion of the final assessment, the Government of Canada proposes that no further action be taken on aniline.
- The Final Follow-up Assessment Report on Aniline was published on December 10, 2011.
What can Canadians do?
- The health risks associated with a chemical depend on the hazard (its potential to cause health effects) and the dose (the amount of chemical to which you are exposed). Aniline is not presently a concern for human health at current levels of exposure.
- As a general precaution, Canadians are reminded when using any product to carefully follow safety warnings and directions.
- Tobacco smoke is also a source of aniline. Canadians are reminded that they should not smoke and avoid second-hand smoke. For more information about smoking, how to quit, and how to protect you and your family from second-hand smoke, please visit the Health Concerns - Tobacco section of Health Canada's Web site or speak with a doctor.
- Canadians who handle aniline in the workplace should consult with their occupational health and safety representative about safe handling practices, and requirements under the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS).
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