How to help prevent cannabis poisoning in children (Described video)



When bringing edible cannabis products into your home, safety is a priority. Especially for those you care for.

(An overhead shot of a kitchen table covered by edible cannabis products: cookies, brownies, gummies and drinks, some with and some without original packaging.)

Accidental cannabis ingestion and poisonings in children are a serious risk and the consequences can be life-threatening.

But luckily, there are simple steps you can take to help prevent that.

(A child's hand appears on screen, reaching for the edibles. A large X fills up the screen.)

(Then, words describing possible risks from paediatric cannabis poisoning are listed: Coma, Trouble breathing and Possibly death.)

Edible cannabis can look like regular candy.

Keep edible cannabis separate from your regular food and drinks, and store them out of reach.

(A package of cannabis gummies is open on a kitchen counter and the product is revealed from inside. A transparent candy jar (with actual gummies) is also resting on the counter, among other popular children's snacks. The regular gummies seem identical to the cannabis gummies.)

(Another large X fills up the screen.)

Simply hiding or storing them up high is not enough.

(In a pantry, the legal Cannabis products are hidden on the top shelf, among regular food products.)

(We glimpse at a child pushing a chair towards the pantry as once again a large X fills up the screen.)

Remember to lock your cannabis in a cabinet or box for good measure.

(The cannabis gummy is then stored back in the child-resistant package and placed in a cabinet, filled with plain-looking stationery and office supplies, which is shut and locked.)

Also, choose to buy your cannabis from authorised retailers. Watch out for packages that don't have child resistant packaging and resemble popular brands of candies and snacks, which are appealing to children.

If the product claims to contain more than the maximum 10 mg of THC permitted, or if the THC amount isn't specified, that's a red flag. The higher the THC content the greater the risk of severe cannabis poisoning.

(A variety of products are lined up, a mix of legal edible packaging. They are then replaced by a package of illegal gummies, its design is appealing to children.)

(We zoom on the illegal package. It claims to contain "extra strength THC: 150 mg". The THC weight is then replaced by a question mark.)

(Once again, a large X fills up the screen as the camera zooms out on a group of illegal products.)

Recognize the signs of cannabis poisoning, which may include vomiting, confusion, unresponsiveness, slurred speech, unsteadiness on feet, drowsiness, slowed breathing and seizures.

(Back to the kitchen, a boy is beside it. He is looking sad, generally unwell and holding his tummy.)

(The signs of cannabis poisoning are then listed on the screen: Vomiting, Confusion, Unresponsiveness, Slurred Speech, Unsteadiness on Feet, Drowsiness, Slowed Breathing and Seizures.)

If you suspect a child's symptoms come from cannabis, take action.

(Inside the pantry, there's a chair placed in front of it. Open food packages, including edible cannabis gummies, are seen on the shelf, as well as on the chair and all over the floor.)

A quick diagnosis could prevent serious harm. Call your local poison centre or 9-1-1 for emergencies.

(A montage shows a cell phone and an ambulance's siren turned on.)

(Then, the text "Call your local poison centre or 9-1-1 for emergencies" appears on screen.)


To learn more, visit

(The boy and his mother are healthy and happily enjoying some time together in the kitchen, eating apples.)

(Learn more at:" appears on screen.)

(Government of Canada Identifier Canada wordmark)

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