Tips for a healthy home (Described videos)

Do you have a healthy home? Here are some tips on how to help protect yourself and those around you from chemicals and pollutants found in and around the home.

On this page

Protect yourself during home renovation and DIY projects


Words appear: "Do it for a healthy home".

An animated blue block rolls onto screen with the image of a hammer and a hand saw. Words appear: DIY Projects.

Two animated women, one wearing overalls and the other wearing a headscarf, smile and wave. Words appear:

"Do it yourself (DIY) projects are a great way to improve your living space. Here's how to stay safe."

A blue shield with a check mark appears between the women. The woman in overalls pulls out a paint roller, while the woman wearing a headscarf pulls out a drill. Words appear:

"Follow instructions carefully."

The woman wearing a headscarf opens an instruction manual. Words appear:

"Wear protective gear."

The woman wearing a headscarf stands on a stool as she assembles a shelf with the drill. She wears protective glasses and boots. The woman in overalls paints the wall with the paint roller. She wears goggles and a mask. Words appear:

"Ensure proper ventilation."

The woman wearing a headscarf turns on a fan and the woman in overalls opens a window. They smile and give each other a thumbs up. Words appear:

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants. Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home

The logos appear for "Health Canada" and for the Government of Canada.

Use arts and crafts materials safely


Words appear: "Do it for a healthy home".

An animated blue block rolls onto screen with the image of scissors and a bottle of glue. Words appear: Use arts and crafts materials safely.

An animated man in a wheelchair and his son sit at a table with craft supplies. Words appear:

"Arts and crafts can be fun and rewarding. Here's how to stay safe."

A blue shield with a check mark appears next to the table. Words appear:

"Buy kid-friendly and age appropriate products."

The boy spreads paint onto a sheet of paper with his hands. Words appear:

"Pay attention. Do not leave young children unattended. Keep the area well ventilated."

The man watches his son paint with his fingers. Animated lines flow from vents in the floor and on the wall. Words appear:

"Keep food and drinks away."

On the table, a glass of water with ice cubes and a straw floats off of the table, away from the jars of paint. Words appear:

At a sink, the man helps his son wash the paint off of his hands. Words appear:

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants. Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home

The logos appear for "Health Canada" and for the Government of Canada.

Protect your family


Text on-screen: Do it for… a healthy home

Text on-screen: Tips to protect your family from chemicals and pollutants

Text on-screen: We are exposed to chemicals and pollutants every day

Text on-screen: In the air, food, water and products we use in our home

Text on-screen: There are simple steps you can take to help protect yourself and your family

Text on-screen: Learn more

Read the label


Text on-screen: Do it for… a healthy home

Text on-screen: Read the label

Text on-screen: Always read and follow instructions on the labels of household chemical products and pesticides

Text on-screen: Use them carefully, especially around children and pets

Text on-screen: Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants

Lock up chemicals


Text on-screen: Do it for a healthy home

Text on-screen: Lock up your chemicals

Text on-screen: Keep your household chemical products locked in cupboards or drawers

Text on-screen: Out of reach and sight of young children

Text on-screen: Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants

Dispose of chemical products safely


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto the screen with the image of household chemical products. Words appear...

"Dispose of chemical products safely."

A close-up of a label with the words, “disposal instructions.” Words appear...

"Check the label for disposal instructions."

An animated woman appears in a bathroom, holding a chemical product. The “No" symbol appears over the toilet and sink. Words appear...

"Never pour them down the toilet or drain."

The bathroom turns into the front façade of a pharmacy.

A pill bottle replaces the container in her hand. Words appear...

"Bring unused or expired medications to a pharmacy."

The woman sits at a computer in her home.

On the screen: “Municipal hazardous waste disposal.” Words appear...

"Check with your municipality for household hazardous waste disposal."

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants.

Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

The logos appears for Health Canada and for the Government of Canada.

Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms


Words appear..."Do it for a healthy home."

A pink square appears with a flame icon; Words appear…

"Install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms."

An animated woman installs a certified smoke detector on the ceiling. Words appear…

"Install a certified smoke detector."

Animated hands install a purple carbon monoxide alarm on the wall. Words appear…

"Have at least one functioning carbon monoxide alarm outside bedrooms."

An animated woman closes a blue door. Words appear…

"Keep the door between your home and garage closed."

Animated hands clean stove-top burners. Words appear…

"Maintain fuel-burning appliances".

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants... Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

Logo appears for Health Canada followed by the logo for the Government of Canada.

Keep your home clean


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto the screen with the image of a sparkly-clean house. Words appear...

"Keep your home clean."

An animated couple clean their home. One is vacuuming while the other wipes a door handle with a cloth. Words appear...

"Clean floors and household surfaces regularly."

In the kitchen, a man rinses a cloth under a faucet while another mops the floor. Words appear...

"Use a wet cloth or mop to remove dust and dirt."

In the bedroom, a man uses a vacuum with the word HEPA on it. His dog scampers away from the vacuum. Words appear...

"Vacuum often. Consider a vacuum that uses a HEPA filter."

Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

The logos appear for Health Canada and for the Government of Canada.

Let tap water run until it’s cold


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto the screen with an image of a running tap. Words appear...

"Let tap water run until it’s cold.”

Water flows out of a kitchen tap. Words appear...

"If there is lead in your drinking water, this will help to reduce your exposure."

A hand fills a water bottle under the tap. Words appear…

"Always use cold water for drinking, cooking or making baby food."

A large cooking pot is filled with water. A woman on the phone enters in a wheelchair. On the counter is a glass of water. Words appear...

"If you’re concerned about your water’s lead levels, contact your municipality."

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants. Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

The logos appear for Health Canada and for the Government of Canada.

Prevent mould


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

A blue square appears with animated shapes representing microscopic mould; Words appear.

"Prevent mould."

"To eliminate mould, keep indoor moisture levels and humidity low."

An animated bottle breaks; an animated man kneels down to clean-up the spill; Words appear.

"Clean up spills immediately."

The man cleans mould off the wall; Words appear.

"Remove small amounts of mould with water and dish soap."

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants..."Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home"

Logo appears for Health Canada followed by the logo for the Government of Canada.

Remove your shoes at the door


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto the screen with an image of a pair of shoes. Words appear...

"Remove your shoes at the door."

Animated shoes walk on a path outside. Dirt and other particles are stuck to the bottom of the shoe.

Words appear...

"When you are outside, your shoes can pick up dirt and harmful chemicals."

A child enters a house. The dirt on their shoe falls on the floor. Words appear...

"These can be tracked into your home."

Another child enters and puts their hand on the other's shoulder. They both take their shoes off before they enter the house further. Words appear…

"Remove your shoes when you enter to help keep unwanted things out."

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants. Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

The logos appear for Health Canada and for the Government of Canada.

Ventilate your home


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto screen with the image of a house.

Words appear...

"Ventilate your home."

An animated mother and son are in a living room with a window.

A vent on the floor has air flowing into the room.

A vent on the wall has air flowing out of the room.

Words appear...

"Make sure you have enough fresh air coming into your home."

An animated man holds a frying pan on a stove.

He turns a vent on over the stove.

Air is vented through the wall and outside.

Words appear...

"Use exhaust fans that vent outside when cooking or showering."

An animated woman opens a window while she holds a chemical product.

Words appear...

"Open windows when renovating or using household chemical products."

Animated viruses are swept out the house through the window with the air flow.

Words appear...

"Ventilation is one way to help prevent the spread of COVID-Nineteen."

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants.

Learn more at Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home.

The logos appear for Health Canada and for the Government of Canada.

Wash your hands well and often


Words appear... "Do it for a healthy home."

An animated blue block rolls onto the screen, with a hand washing symbol.

Words appear...

"Wash your hands well and often."

An animated man wears gloves as he uses a cleaning product.

He takes off his gloves and immediately washes his hands with soap.

Words appear...

"Reduce exposure to harmful substances and prevent infection."

A close-up of hands under tap water with soap bubbles, as the man scrubs his hands.

A stopwatch shows 20 seconds going by.

Words appear...

"Scrub with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds."

A man in the driver seat of a car applies an alcohol-based sanitizer. Words appear...

"When you can’t use soap, use an alcohol-based sanitizer".

Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants. Learn more at "Canada-dot-c.a.-slash-healthy-dash-home"

The logos appear for "Health Canada" and for the Government of Canada.

Test for radon


Text on-screen: Do it for… a healthy home

Text on-screen: Test for radon

Text on-screen: Radon is a radioactive gas and the number 1 cause of lung cancer in non-smokers

Text on-screen: Use a long-term radon test kit or hire a certified professional

Text on-screen: Testing should take place in the fall and winter

Text on-screen: Reduce levels if they are high

Text on-screen: Protect your family from chemicals and pollutants

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