Webequie Supply Road Project — Public Comments Invited
News release
December 19, 2019 — Ottawa — Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
On November 29, 2019, the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (the Agency) decided an impact assessment is required for the proposed Webequie Supply Access Road Project, located in northern Ontario.
As part of the planning phase in the impact assessment, the Agency invites the public and Indigenous groups to review and provide feedback on the draft Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines and the draft Public Participation Plan.
The draft Guidelines outline the project-specific factors that will be considered in the assessment and provide direction to the proponent, Webequie First Nation, on the information and studies required in its Impact Statement. The draft Public Participation Plan explains how the public will be engaged throughout the review process. The Plan provides details on how and when public participation opportunities will take place for each phase of the impact assessment.
Open house and WebEx sessions will be held during this consultation period. Comments can be submitted online by visiting the project home page on the Canadian Impact Assessment Registry (reference number 80183). All comments received will be published online as part of the project file. Written comments in either official language will be accepted until January 28, 2020.
For more information on the project, the review process and alternative means of submitting comments, visit canada.ca/iaac.
As next steps, the Agency will consider all input received and finalize the Public Participation Plan and the Tailored Impact Statement Guidelines. Both documents will be posted to the Registry website.
The Agency will also post the Notice of Commencement for the project and start the impact statement phase. This project will benefit from several other opportunities for the public and Indigenous groups to participate throughout the impact assessment process.
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Impact Assessment Agency of Canada
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