More than $6M to connect homes in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean to high-speed Internet

News Release

November 24, 2017Saint-Honoré, Quebec

Following the call for proposals under the Québec branché program, seven projects in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region were selected (table of selected projects). These projects represent a total investment of $6,125,972, of which the Government of Quebec and the Government of Canada is each contributing an equal share of $3,220,284. As a result of these projects, broadband Internet will become available in 10 communities in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. It is expected that 3,658 households in the region will have access to broadband Internet services.

The announcement was made today by Richard Hébert, Member of Parliament for Lac-Saint-Jean, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, and by Serge Simard, Member of the National Assembly for Dubuc and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, on behalf of Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and Minister responsible for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region, and of Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier of Quebec, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy.

The goal of the Québec branché program is to provide broadband Internet services to unserved or underserved regions and communities. Project selection and funding were made in collaboration with the federal Connect to Innovate program. In total, 80 projects have been selected in 14 regions of Quebec.

Projects selected in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region
Organizations Investments Québec branché Contributions Connect to Innovate Contributions Number of Homes* Targeted Communities
Bell Canada $664,885 $213,867 $213,867 97 L'Abattis Sainte-Rose-du-Nord
Bell Canada $689,000 $293,150 $293,150 95 Le Boom
(city of Saint-Félicien)
Bell Canada $1,346,250 $226,875 $226,875 1,271 Saint-Charles-de-Bourget Saint-Ambroise
Bell Canada $1,440,000 $285,450 $285,450 1,387 Saint-Honoré Saint-David-
Bell Canada $492,250 $103,125 $103,125 282 L'Anse-Saint-Jean
Municipality of Ferland-et-Boilleau $988,711 $402,081 $402,081 327 Ferland-et-Boilleau
Bell Canada $504,876 $85,594 $85,594 199 Poste-des-Villeneuve
Total $6,125,972 $1,610,142 $1,610,142 3,658 10


“Carrying out these projects in the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region will help businesses that need broadband Internet services to maintain their operations and be more competitive. Families in remote areas who were previously underserved will enjoy a better quality of life. The entire Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region will come away a winner.”
– Philippe Couillard, Premier of Quebec and Minister responsible for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region

“Access to high-speed Internet is not a luxury; it’s essential. High-speed Internet services are basic tools that all Canadians should have access to, regardless of their postal code. Canadians need these services to do business and build stronger communities. The Government of Canada recognizes that innovation takes place everywhere in Canada, both in cities and rural areas. Thanks to our Connect to Innovate program, Canadians will be better able to seize the opportunities offered by the digital economy.”
– The Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development

“Our support for these projects will enable more households and businesses to connect, thereby contributing to Quebec’s economic growth and the vitality of its regions. Just like electricity was a driving force in the 20th century, access to broadband Internet is today a powerful driver of digital and socio-economic development. That’s why, in its recent economic update, the Government of Quebec announced an investment of $300 million over the next five years so that all residents are able to access high-speed networks.”
– Dominique Anglade, Deputy Premier of Quebec, Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy

“It is almost unthinkable that in 2017, people are unable to connect to the Internet. It has become an essential service, period. I am pleased that this investment will give families and businesses in our region the same connection speed that is available elsewhere in Quebec and Canada, which will enable residents to have quick access to products and services online. For businesses, this is an essential tool for ensuring their development and prosperity.”
– Richard Hébert, Member of the National Assembly for Lac-Saint-Jean

“During the regional economic summit led by the Premier, we committed to completing digital coverage for Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. All agree that this is a development priority for our region. The Québec branché program is a promising initative that will help meet the growing needs of rural areas for broadband Internet services—services that are essential for the vitality and development of our regions. I am excited to see citizens, organizations and businesses in Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean benefiting from improved access to these services.”
– Serge Simard, Member of the National Assembly for Dubuc and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for the Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region

Quick Facts


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Joçanne Prévost
Press Secretary
Office of the Premier of Quebec

Gabrielle Tellier
Press Secretary
Office of the Deputy Premier of Quebec,
Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation
and Minister responsible for the Digital Strategy

Martine Girard
Political Advisor
Office of the MNA for Dubuc
and Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier for the  Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean region

Karl W. Sasseville
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development


Jean-Pierre D’Auteuil
Media Relations Officer
Communications Branch
Ministry of Economy, Science and Innovation
418-691-5698, extension 4868
418-559-0710 (cell)

Media Relations
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

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