Cannabis and Population Health Research 


In May 2017, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) launched a funding opportunity for research that would support the ongoing development of policies and programs related to the legalization and regulation of cannabis.

The funding opportunity was specifically designed to support the collection of population health data on cannabis use, to understand how the legalization and regulation of cannabis would affect certain groups , and to evaluate existing regulatory models for controlled substances. 

As a result of this funding opportunity, CIHR approved the following 14 projects, representing total funding of $1.4 million, or approximately $100,000 for each project. 

Principal Investigator

Project Title*

Dr. Patricia Conrod
Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine (Montreal)

Targeted cannabis prevention for youth at high risk for psychosis

Dr. Mark Eisenberg
Jewish General Hospital (Montreal)

Legalization of Recreational Cannabis Use in Canada: A Knowledge Synthesis

Dr. Darine El-Chaar
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

Influence of cannabis exposure in pregnancy on offspring perinatal and childhood health outcomes: a population-based birth cohort

Dr. Christophe Huynh
Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

Les conducteurs automobiles sous l'effet du cannabis : perceptions et caractéristiques individuelles, relationnelles et sociales

Dr. Pamela Kaufman
University of Toronto

Enabling the monitoring and advancement of knowledge on exposure to cannabis use.

Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater
University of Victoria

Trajectories of marijuana use across a decade: Their predictors in adolescence and impact on health, academic, social, and economic outcomes in young adulthood.

Dr. Marie Claude Ouimet
Université de Sherbrooke

Towards monitoring of driving while impaired by cannabis and/or other drugs

Dr. Christopher Perlman
University of Waterloo

Cannabis Legalization and Mental health Outcomes Monitoring System

Dr. Zainab Samaan
McMaster University

Impact of cannabis legalization on cannabis use and outcomes in patients with opioid use disorder: a Canadian prospective cohort study

Dr. Martin Cooke
University of Waterloo

Development of a Canadian Youth Cannabis Survey: Understanding changing aspects of cannabis use among young Canadians

Dr. Nathan Nickel
University of Manitoba

A Data Infrastructure for Monitoring the Impact of Cannabis Legalization: Data Collection and Linkage Strategies to Inform Health and Social Policy

Dr. Peter Smith
Institute for Work & Health (Toronto)

Toking 9 to 5? Clearing the haze on cannabis consumption in the Canadian workplace

Dr. Zach Walsh
University of British Columbia

The impact of cannabis legalization on campus health: A multi-method approach to establishing a baseline and monitoring change.

Dr. Sergio Rueda
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health

Provincial and key community responses to federal cannabis legalization: A multi-jurisdictional study

*Project titles are provided in the language submitted by the researcher.

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