Government of Canada and partners invest $18M in crucial microbiome research


Details about the funded projects

Researcher Location Project
Dr. Marie Claire Arrieta Mendez University of Calgary Contribution of the microbiome to asthma risk in premature infants
Dr. Adam Burgener University of Manitoba The microbiome in cervical cancer
Dr. André Marette Université Laval The microbiome and type 2 diabetes
Dr. John Parkinson SickKids Hospital The impact of the microbiome on maternal nutrition during pregnancy
Dr. Padmaja Subbarao SickKids Hospital Role of the gut microbiome in childhood asthma
Dr. Bruce A. Vallance University of British Columbia Role of microbes in inflammatory bowel diseases
Dr. Jayne S. Danska SickKids Hospital The microbiome and type 1 diabetes
Dr. Kathy McCoy University of Calgary Microbiome research core
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