Alcohol Policy and Intervention Research


While alcohol is a popular, legal substance used by a majority of Canadians, its use can lead to significant health and safety harms. Data shows that in 2017 alcohol use led to over 18,000 deaths and 105,000 hospitalizations. In addition, drinking any type of alcohol increases the risk of developing head and neck, breast, stomach, pancreatic, liver and colorectal cancers. The ComPARe study, funded by the Canadian Cancer Society, found that if more Canadians limit their alcohol intake, about 44,300 cancer cases could be prevented by 2042.

In March 2022, under the Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, through the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, in partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, funded 20 research projects to expand the evidence base and to inform practical policies and interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms in Canada.

With almost $2 million in total funding, these projects will evaluate existing alcohol policies, investigate prevention, harm reduction and treatment of problematic alcohol use, and explore how alcohol use and related health and psychosocial effects vary by sex, gender, and social determinants of health, including income, housing, and social support.

These are some of the projects funded:


The information is provided in the language in which it was submitted by the recipient.

Lead Researcher Project Title Funding
Dr. Hai Van Nguyen Memorial University of Newfoundland Behavioural and health effects of alcohol policy changes during COVID-19 in Canada $100,000
Dr. Mark Asbridge
Dalhousie University
Optimizing Canada's low-risk drinking guidelines (LRDG): Examining emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths amongst Canadian drinkers $99,700
Dr. Jorge Flores-Aranda
Université du Québec à Montréal
Quels sont les significations de la consommation d'alcool parmi les personnes de la diversité sexuelle et de genre ? $99,996
Dr. Jennifer Flemming Queen’s University The epidemiology of harmful alcohol use and associated liver-related outcomes among adolescents and young adults in Ontario $99,203
Dr. Timothy Stockwell University of Victoria The potential impact of alcohol minimum unit pricing and alcoholic beverage labelling as a cancer prevention intervention in Canada, by socioeconomic status, at the national, provincial and territorial levels $99,943

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