Library and Archives Canada: 12 projects to preserve documentary heritage funded in Quebec

News release

For immediate release

May 10, 2018 – Montréal, Quebec – Library and Archives Canada

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) will provide $1.5 million to support 39 projects (including 30 new projects) by archives, libraries and documentary heritage institutions throughout Canada. The recipients of the Documentary Heritage Communities Program (DHCP) for 2018–2019 were announced today at the McCord Museum in Montréal. Twelve projects submitted by Quebec organizations will be funded under the program.

The following projects will be funded by the DHCP in Quebec in 2018–2019:

  • Archival processing project of photographs from the Salon du livre de l’Outaouais fonds (Centre régional d'archives de l'Outaouais), Gatineau, $26,183;
  • Computerization of holdings and collections and transfer of archival operations to management software and servers for a better service offering (Centre d'archives régional des Îles), Îles-de-la-Madeleine, $86,020;
  • Preservation and Digitization of Brome County Historical Society Great War Collection (Brome County Historical Society), Knowlton, $12,412;
  • Preservation through technology transfer and development of the Lanaudière archives multimedia collection (Corporation du centre régional d'archives de Lanaudière), L’Assomption, $82,554;
  • Retrospective digitization of the magazine Documentation et bibliothèques, from 1973 to 1988 (Association pour l’avancement des sciences et des techniques de la documentation – ASTED), Montréal, $14,051;
  • Canadian Architectural Fonds Processing Initiative (Canadian Centre for Architecture), Montréal, $56,792;
  • Digitizing and Preserving the V. Taboika Panoramic Photograph Collection (Canadian Centre for the Great War), Montréal, $8,714;
  • Showcasing works on paper from the Inuit Art Collection of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (Montreal Museum of Fine Arts), Montréal, $70,843;
  • Shared Sensitivities (McCord Stewart Museum), Montréal, $71,983;
  • Investing in Eeyou Istchee Archival Heritage (Aanischaaukamikw Cree Cultural Institute), Oujé-Bougoumou, $82,979;
  • Contributions of religious communities to the Diocese of Sherbrooke (Regroupement des archives du Séminaire de Sherbrooke et de l'Archidiocèse de Sherbrooke), Sherbrooke, $44,771;
  • Bilingual audio guide for the King mine historic centre (Musée minéralogique et minier de Thetford Mines), Thetford Mines, $89,693.

View the list of all recipients for 2018–2019.


“My warmest congratulations to the 2018–2019 recipients! Again this year, Canadians passionate about our rich cultural heritage will be able to preserve and share it with others because of the Documentary Heritage Communities Program. These wonderful projects and fascinating stories will help safeguard our country’s memory for generations to come.”

– The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Canadian Heritage

“Each year, Library and Archives Canada has the great pleasure to provide this funding to organizations dedicated to preserving Canadian heritage. The help that we offer will expand access to the rich documentary heritage in our communities and make a real contribution to the common good and sustainable development.”

– Guy Berthiaume, Librarian and Archivist of Canada

“LAC’s contribution will enable the McCord Museum to expand access to its rich collection of textual archives. The selected documents will be described and indexed using a new approach, with particular attention to the emotions and values they convey. By communicating these timeless and universal concepts, the museum will become part of a rarely explored tangent of social history while greatly expanding access to its archives.”

– Suzanne Sauvage, President and Chief Executive Officer, McCord Museum

“The project will enhance the sustainability of a key part of Canadian theatre heritage through digitization, preserving it for generations of the future and making it accessible to Canadians from all walks of life online and through community events. Through sharing the knowledge that comes from the project, it is hoped that it will also foster networks across Canada that will enhance the understanding and enjoyment of Canada’s theatre history.”

– Shelley Stevenson, Administrative Director, Stratford Festival

Quick facts

  • The DHCP was created in 2015 to provide financial assistance for activities that enhance the visibility of, and access to, materials held by Canada’s local documentary heritage institutions. The program also aims to increase the capacity of local institutions to sustainably preserve, promote and showcase the country’s documentary heritage. At the end of the selection process, the DHCP will provide contributions for eligible applicants across Canada for a variety of projects that will allow citizens to access and engage with their nation’s history like never before. 

  • Incorporated and unincorporated non-profit organizations such as archives, privately funded libraries, historical societies, genealogical organizations and societies, professional library and archival associations, and museums with an archival component are eligible to apply for funding under the DHCP.

  • Applications received by LAC are reviewed by an external advisory committee.

  • Including the amounts allocated this year, LAC’s support for documentary heritage communities has totalled $6 million since the DHCP was launched in 2015.

  • The next funding cycle will be launched in fall 2018. 

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