A lively March break at the Plains of Abraham

News Release

February 20, 2018 – Québec – The National Battlefields Commission

The Plains of Abraham offers a wealth of activities on the Plains of Abraham during the school break from March 3 to 18, at little or no cost. In addition to free access to the skating rink and trails for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, a special guided version of the Battles exhibition is offered during the March break… and admission to the Plains of Abraham Museum is free for students aged 17 and under!

Quick Facts

  • Indoors at the Plains of Abraham Museum

    Battles Exhibition | 1759-1760 guided tour new

    Take a special guided tour of the Battles Exhibition with a historical character! Participate in interactive demonstrations such as cannon manoeuvres. French, British, Canadian and Amerindian protagonists offer moving accounts in an incredible immersive screening. You can also view a fine collection of uniforms. An interactive section (Order and Law) invites you to discover how order and law were imperative in managing the soldiers and population at the heart of this vast military campaign.

    Identities Exhibition | Artefacts that convey history and identities

    Study artefacts from the Park’s archeological collection. These reflections of history and identities originate from archeological sites at Des Braves Park, the advanced blockhouse of the temporary citadel, Martello 2 Tower and Cove Fields.

    Admission to the Museum during the March break is free for students aged 17 and under.

  • Outdoors on the Plains of Abraham

    Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and skating

    Enjoy nature in the heart of Québec City. Cross-country ski, snowshoe, walk and skate in an accessible, stunning natural decor. Close to 14 km of trails for classic cross-country skiing and skate skiing for beginner, intermediate and expert skiers; a 3.8 km marked trail lets you snowshoe along Cap Diamant up to Gilmour Hill. On the playing fields, the Plains of Abraham skating rink is open daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Equipment rentals are available in a convenient chalet. The rink is closed intermittently for activities taking place and for ice maintenance. Free access.

    A trail map is available online and at various points of service at the Park. A waxing room (at the playing fields) and three heated rest areas are open to walkers and skiers (Plains of Abraham Museum, the Pavilion near the Edwin-Bélanger bandstand and the skaters’ chalet).

    Trail condition info-line: 418-648-4212.

    Equipment rentals ($) at the skaters’ chalet: 418-520-7047.

  • Information:
    Plains of Abraham Museum
    835, Wilfrid-Laurier Avenue, level 0, Québec
    418-649-6157 | 1-855-649-6157

Associated Links


Nathalie Allaire
Outreach and Media Officer
Communications Division
The National Battlefields Commission
418 648-4801, nathalie.allaire@ccbn-nbc.gc.ca

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