The Plains of Abraham Great Celebration of Nature – Nature in the City!

News release

May 2, 2019 – Québec – The National Battlefields Commission                   

The Plains of Abraham Great Celebration of Nature will celebrate spring on Sunday May 26, starting at 10:30 a.m. at the Plains of Abraham greenhouses and surrounding area. The National Battlefields Commission’s Green Team will throw open the greenhouse doors and some 20 exhibitors will be on hand to welcome visitors to spend some great family time together! Free distribution of herbs, seedling trees, conferences, petting zoo, entertainment, face-painting and much more await you during this annual horticultural rendezvous.

Quick facts

  • The park’s greenhouses ― among the oldest still active in Quebec ― grow annual, biennial and perennial plants to beautify the Plains of Abraham and the Des Braves Park. Exceptionally, during this open house day, visitors will be able to see how tradition and state-of-the-art horticulture techniques go hand in hand.

  • Learn more about the NBC, the Commission’s forest management initiatives and preventive measures to offset environmental disturbance. Meet with security staff over a cup of coffee.

  • Outside the greenhouses, some 20 organizations and ministries will share their knowledge on a variety of themes such as ecology on a daily basis, urban farming, permaculture, environmental sustainability, wildlife protection and conservation, astronomy, local and organic food baskets, the world of bees and much more!

  • Three speakers will give conferences on hot topics: Initiation au mode de vie zéro déchet by Cindy Trottier of Tendance Radis (11 a.m.), Le potager urbain by Albert Mondor (1 p.m.) and L’agriculture urbaine pour limiter l’empreinte écologique des villes by François St-Pierre, Du toit à la table (2:30 p.m.).

  • The tradition continues at the Commission with the distribution of some 1000 plants grown in the park’s greenhouses, offered free of charge to visitors on a first come, first served basis. The Association forestière des deux rives will also be offering more than 1000 plants of different species.

  • Young and old are sure to enjoy the petting zoo, maple syrup product sampling, craft activities and face-painting…not to mention the traditional tree planting activity at 2 p.m.

  • Snack on the Plains by fastoche! will be on hand for meals, snacks, coffee and juice ($).

  • The Plains of Abraham Great Celebration of Nature, Sunday May 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 4 the Plains of Abraham greenhouses (corner of Briand and De Bernières streets, east of the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec).

  • Information: 418-649-6157 | (Activities/Great Celebration of Nature tab).

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Nathalie Allaire
Coordinator | Communication Service
The National Battlefields Commission

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