Historical Day | Québec, Besieged City

News release

August 28, 2019 – Québec– The National Battlefields Commission

This year, the National Battlefields Commission (NBC) invites you to attend its traditional Historical Day under the theme of Québec, Besieged City. In the atmosphere of the times, learn about the impact that sieges had on civilian and military life in the city. Historical reenactors and music from the past await you on Sunday September 8 from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Martello Tower 1 and in the vicinity. A free event for the entire family where history and entertainment go hand in hand!

Quick facts

  • Watch musket fire and cannon shot demonstrations. Chat with soldiers from the Béarn, Languedoc and Compagnies franches de la Marine regiments and learn about their contributions during the siege of 1759.

  • Visit several military camps and talk with the women who followed and assisted the troops. Learn about the soldiers’ staples, routine and training.

  • Meet a Fraser Highlanders bagpipe player who will explain his regiment’s involvement during the siege of 1759.

  • Learn the minuet, passepied and gavotte; dances popular during balls organized by the high society of the 18th century.

  • Sample foodstuffs prepared by peasants from Batiscan who traveled in convoys to resupply the French troops.

  • At Martello Tower 1, sign your enrolment paper with the captain and explore the singular architecture of this defensive structure with Engineer Bruyère.

  • Learn about the strategic challenges faced by the armies in 1759-1760 and analyze the tactics adopted with French Engineer de Vauban.

  • Information: 418 649-6157, information@ccbn-nbc.gc.ca

Associated links


Nathalie Allaire
Coordinator | Communications Division
The National Battlefields Commission
418 648-4801, nathalie.allaire@ccbn-nbc.gc.ca

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