New activities at the Plains of Abraham in February!

News release

February 5, 2020 – Québec – The National Battlefields Commission            

Once again this year, history comes very much alive at the Plains of Abraham in a varied program where visitors can journey through history with wit, passion and pleasure. This month, discover Tales to Break Your Heart on Valentine’s Day and The Mardi Gras Dance – two new activities sure to make your heart throb! In addition, Bibliothèque de Québec subscribers can now explore Plains of Abraham Museum exhibitions through the “Empruntez un musée” program.

Quick facts

  • Tales to Break Your Heart offers a Valentine’s Day evening steeped in history and charged with emotion. Listen to colourful characters entertain you with love stories interwoven with mischievous, even naughty accounts sure to warm the heart!
    February 14, 7:30 p.m., Plains of Abraham Museum. $22. Activity reserved for persons aged 16 and older. Places are limited. Reservation required. In French only.

  • Jump into the warm and festive atmosphere of The Mardi Gras Dance of long ago. Shake your booty to the sound of lively music and discover the riches of a fading tradition. An evening filled with exhilarating country dance steps, square dancing and titillating snippets of gossip in the unique decor of a Martello Tower.
    February 22
    , 7:30 p.m., Martello Tower 2. $20. Activity reserved for persons aged 13 and older. Places are limited. Reservation required. In French only.

  • The Plains of Abraham Museum has joined the Bibliothèque de Québec’s “Empruntez un musée program. The library loans family passes to its subscribers free of charge so they may visit exhibitions offered by partner museums until June 24, 2020. Journey through the history of Quebec with the “Battles 1759-1760” and “Identities” exhibitions!

  • The Plains of Abraham 2020 program features a variety of exciting activities showcasing the natural and historic heritage of this enchanting site.

  • Information and reservations:, 418 649-6157

Associated links


Nathalie Allaire
Communications Coordinator
The National Battlefields Commission
418 648-4801,

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