Procedure to request anchorage at Royal Roads

The paragraphs below list the required information for submission and the regulations in effect. For convenience, please download the associated PDF form, on this page, that is to be completed and returned at least 1 hour prior to arrival at the anchoring position.

Alternate Formats

  1. Commercial ships intending to anchor at Royal Roads shall, via their Shipping Agent, first obtain permission and an anchorage position, from a harbour official, by contacting the King’s Harbour Master (KHM) Operations, on VHF Channel 10, or by telephone at 250-363-2160. Anchorages A, B, C, D, and F are indicated on Canadian Hydrographic Service Chart 3440.
  1. The required form, for completion and return, at least 1 hour prior to arrival at the anchoring position, is at The completed form can be e-mailed to the Esquimalt Harbour Management Authority at
  1. When making a request for an anchorage, the following information shall be provided to an Esquimalt Harbour Official:
  1. Should a ship fail to anchor properly in its assigned anchorage or drag out of its position in the anchorage, the ship may be required to be repositioned by a BC Coast Pilot if:
    • (a). the ship is endangering other ships at anchor; or
    • (b). the ship is obstructing the use of other anchorages.
  1. The Ship’s Master is responsible for all costs associated with the repositioning of their ship.
  1. Masters are reminded of the Transport Canada direction for vessels at anchor, the following information refers:
  1. Noise and Lights. All vessels, while at anchor, shall minimize noise levels and light usage in consideration of local residents.  The following guidelines apply:
    (1) Noise:

        (2) Lights:

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