OTTAWA, May 15, 2009 — The Honourable Tony Clement, Minister of Industry, today announced the reappointment of Mr. William J. Vancise as the Chairman of the Copyright Board of Canada for a five year term.
“I am pleased to reappoint Mr. Vancise as the Chairman of the Copyright Board,” said Minister Clement. “His extensive experience and knowledge will continue to be an asset to the Board.”
Mr. Vancise, a justice of the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan, has been part-time Chair of the Copyright Board since May 13, 2004.
Previously, Mr. Vancise was appointed to the Court of Queen's Bench in 1982 and to the Court of Appeal for Saskatchewan in November 1983 where he continues to serve. In 1996, he was appointed Deputy Judge of the Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories.
Mr. Vancise earned an LL.B. from the University of Saskatchewan in 1960 and was called to the Saskatchewan Bar in 1961. He received his Queen's Counsel designation in 1979.
Founded on February 1, 1989, the Copyright Board of Canada is the regulatory body that establishes the royalties to be paid for the use of copyrighted works. The Board ensures that the tariffs approved are fair and reasonable to both Canadian copyright owners and users of copyright-protected works. It also issues non-exclusive licences authorizing the use of works when the copyright owner cannot be located.
For more information, please contact:
Pema Lhalungpa
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Tony Clement
Minister of Industry
Claude Majeau
Secretary General
Copyright Board of Canada