Reference N14174E
Minister John Baird announces support for commemorative projects
November 10, 2014 – Ottawa – Veterans Affairs Canada
The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister Responsible for Eastern and Northern Ontario, today announced Government of Canada support for three Ontario projects that pay tribute to Canada’s brave men and women who have served in uniform. Minister Baird made the announcement on behalf of the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs.
The Odawa Native Friendship Centre received $2,500 for the 23rd Annual Veterans Feast honouring First Nations, Métis and Inuit Veterans. The November 7 event featured traditional and ceremonial elements and entertainment, including an Aboriginal drum group, guest speakers and a display of artifacts from the Canadian War Museum.
The Day of Remembrance Veterans Committee will receive $600 for a special commemorative DVD featuring their annual Day of Remembrance Ceremony. During the November 11 event, which will take place at Kingston’s Cataraqui Cemetery, local students will place Canadian flags on each military grave. The completed DVD will be distributed to local schools, Veterans and senior citizen residences to extend the ceremony’s reach and community’s participation in commemoration.
The Thirteen Strings Chamber Orchestra will receive $2,500 for a concert at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Ottawa on November 14.Through war-time music, the production will blend connections to local historical figures with a celebration of period songs. Poems from A.E. Houseman’s A Shropshire Lad by George Butterworth, who died in the Battle of Somme, will also be featured.
Ashlee Smith
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs
Media Relations
Veterans Affairs Canada