Reference N14185E
Member of Parliament Jay Aspin announces funding for Nipissing First Nation ceremony
November 15, 2014 – Garden Village, ON – Veterans Affairs Canada
Jay Aspin, Member of Parliament for Nipissing–Timiskaming, today announced Government of Canada support for a community ceremony that honoured the service and sacrifices of Canada’s Veterans. MP Aspin made the announcement on behalf of the Honourable Julian Fantino, Minister of Veterans Affairs.
Presented by the Nipissing First Nation, the event Honouring Those Who Served brought together Veterans, Canadian Armed Forces personnel, Elders and youth who gathered at the Nipissing First Nation Community Complex in Garden Village and marched to the cenotaph for a remembrance service. The service included an opening prayer by a community Elder and the singing of the National Anthem in English, French and Ojibway by local school children.
Ashlee Smith
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Veterans Affairs
Media Relations
Veterans Affairs Canada