2019 Point Pelee National Park Announcement Conservation & Restoration and Federal Infrastructure Investment Programs


Grand total of investment*: $9.9 M            

Point Pelee National Park         

Point Pelee National Park is located at the southernmost point of the Canadian mainland and includes Middle Island for a total of 15.5 square kilometres. Each spring, visitors can view flocks of migratory birds, and in autumn, waves of vivid Monarch butterflies. In winter, Canadians can wander snowy trails past ice-cloaked trees and in summer, bask on sandy beaches. Whether you cycle, paddle, or hike Canada’s second smallest but most ecologically diverse national park, you’ll be immersed in an unforgettable eco-adventure.

Federal Infrastructure Investment Funding

Previously announced project that has received additional funding:

Project name: Main Road Project
Announced in 2015: $2 million
Estimated Additional Financing: $9.9 million
Estimated Total Cost: $11.9 million
Project description: Initially announced in 2015, the project plans were reassessed and the scope of the project increased to allow for underground installation of electrical and phone lines, and upgraded sewage treatment, while also addressing general road maintenance issues.

This project involves the underground installation of electrical and phone lines, upgrading the sewage treatment capabilities and the repaving of 7 kilometres of the park road from the park entrance to the Visitor Centre. By burying utilities underground, the park will no longer need to maintain costly utility corridors which cut through important forest and coastal savannah habitat. The improvements in sewage treatment will protect the park’s wetland ecosystems from unwanted nutrient loads. These combined changes will lead to increases in natural habitat, healthier wetlands and decreases in long term maintenance costs. Benefits to park’s visitors will include a newly paved road, better phone connectivity to the park, fewer park closures due to power outages during and after severe weather events, as well as naturalization and beautification of the main road corridor. 

* Please note that the sum of individual project values may not equal the grand total indicated at the top of this document due to standard rounding errors.     


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