Governments of Canada and Quebec kick off joint public consultations for Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park Expansion Project

News release

October 21, 2024. – The Governments of Canada and Quebec announce that joint public consultations on the Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park expansion project will be held this fall. Members of the public are invited to participate in these consultations, which are scheduled to take place from October 21 to December 13, 2024.

These consultations are open to all interested parties. Participants will be able to learn about the project and share their opinions online beginning October 21, 2024. Members of the public will have until December 13, 2024 to express their views on the project by completing a brief online survey. Individuals or organizations who wish to submit a brief may also do so via the website.

Five participatory events will be held in municipalities adjacent to the proposed expansion area. In each town where a consultation will take place, kiosks staffed by the marine park team will allow participants to discuss the project at their leisure and according to their areas of interest in late afternoon. An information and Q&A session will follow in the evening.

Public participatory events:

City                                        Location                                         Date

Rimouski                                Théâtre du Bic                                November 4
Hôtel Lévesque                              November 6
Community hall                              November 7
Saint-Irénée                                   Domaine Forget                             November 12
Les Escoumins                              Multipurpose centre                      November 13    

Since the announcement in March 2023 regarding their shared intention to begin working to expand the boundaries of the marine park, the two levels of government have jointly carried out targeted consultations as well as outreach with Indigenous communities in order to take into consideration scientific and local knowledge as well as the viewpoints and interests of relevant stakeholders.

The expansion project has been presented to representatives of approximately 230 organizations, including Indigenous communities, RCMs and municipalities, business owners and NGOs on both shores of the St. Lawrence Estuary.

These discussions have led to a proposal to expand the boundaries of the marine park. Public consultations will provide interested members of the public and organizations an opportunity to express their views on the project, especially regarding the boundaries being proposed for the expansion, the objectives pursued as well as the associated challenges and opportunities. The information gathered will allow the two governments to make a joint and well-informed decision regarding the expansion project in 2025.

Expanding the marine park would help enhance protection for belugas, rorquals and green costal areas, in particular by including all of the beluga's critical summer habitat in the park. The project is also an opportunity to promote discovery and educational activities related to the St. Lawrence River as well as to support the maintenance and development of a sustainable tourism offer associated with the St. Lawrence River..


Additional multimedia

Orgaonizations involved in today`s announcement.

Quick facts

  • The Saguenay–St. Lawrence Marine Park is a marine protected area created in 1998 with the adoption of federal and provincial (Quebec) laws establishing joint protection. The marine park is co-managed by Parks Canada, Quebec’s Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks (MELCCFP) as well as the Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq). 

  • The marine park’s mandate is to strengthen the protection of a representative portion of the Saguenay Fjord and the St. Lawrence Estuary while at the same time promoting educational, recreational and scientific activities. Local concerns for beluga protection were one of the chief motivating factors for creating the marine park, whose current boundaries cover 37% of the species’ critical summer habitat.

  • Collaboration is key to the marine park’s success. In addition to being co-managed by the Governments of Canada and Quebec, the marine park relies on a coordination committee made up of representatives of regional county municipalities (RCMs) adjacent to the park, the Essipit Innu First Nation, the Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation as well as representatives from the science and education communities.

  • The laws establishing the marine park provide that the boundaries may be modified by decree if an agreement is reached between the Governments of Quebec and Canada, and if the public, and especially the coordination committee, have been jointly consulted.

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Media Relations
Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks
Tel.: 418-521-3991

Media Relations
Parks Canada
Tel.: 855-862-1812

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