Light Goose Banding in the Central Arctic

Date and location

Thursday, August 10 from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS).

Continuous shuttle to and from CHARS from the high school front parking, starting at 6:15 PM.


The Arctic Goose Banding Program is a multi-partner initiative coordinated by the Canadian Wildlife Service. The program bands five species of Arctic-nesting geese across six locations in Arctic Canada each year. Banding provides information on goose abundance and population status (harvest, survival rates) and is the basis for population management, and international regulatory decisions. Northern communities have an interest in goose population status and their relationship with Arctic habitat by way of strong cultural ties to geese through hunting and collection of eggs and down. Canadian Wildlife Service is banding snow geese at Anderson Bay, Nunavut.

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit helps us to understand changes in distribution and abundance of geese over decades. Come and share your knowledge to enhance our understanding of goose population changes on Victoria Island, Nunavut.

Talks will feature:

  • Frank Baldwin, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada

Participating research Institution(s) or Organization(s)

  • Polar Knowledge Canada
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada


For more information on this event, write to

Geese in the pen
Goose on the ground

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