Statement from Canada's Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness on the terrorist attack in Paris


OTTAWA, November 14, 2015 – Today, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Canada’s Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, made the following statement on the terrorist attack in Paris:

In Ottawa throughout the weekend, I am in constant contact with my national security officials including the Commissioner of the RCMP and the Director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

The Government of Canada is unwavering in its commitment to protect the safety and security of Canadians, and to defend this nation’s values. We will take all appropriate action to counter terrorist threats to Canada, its citizens, our way of life and our interests around the world.

Canadian national security and law enforcement partners vigilantly monitor all potential threats and have robust measures in place to address them. Canada’s intelligence, security and police agencies continuously reassess their operations, and review existing security measures in response to a heightened global threat environment.  Our actions seek to ensure both our collective security and our rights and freedoms.

Canadians can be assured that when the security and intelligence sector receives credible warnings on a specific threat, they work with the appropriate partners to ensure the safety of Canadians. While Canada’s threat level remains unchanged, we are being extra vigilant in Canada as we continue to monitor the situation in Paris very closely.

Canada works closely with our French partners on counter terrorism issues and we stand ready to assist in this difficult time.

Canada’s national police force, the RCMP, together with its partners in policing and other first responders across Canada, is well positioned to respond to all known threats. Canadians are encouraged to remain vigilant and to report any unusual or suspicious behaviour to their local police.

Canada will continue to work with its Allies to fight the scourge of terrorism.

Canada is fundamentally a safe and peaceful nation. In the days ahead we will continue to take appropriate steps to keep Canadians safe and safeguard Canadian values.

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Scott Bardsley
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada

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