Government of Canada funds trip-planning app to make outdoor adventures more safe

News release

February 8, 2019
Ottawa, Ontario
Public Safety Canada

The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring the safety of Canadians, and contributing to technologies that assist in providing useful information to outdoor adventurers and search and rescue (SAR) workers.

Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Management, Karen McCrimmon, today announced funding of $977,916 to the Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada (SARVAC), which has allowed for the development and application of a new AdventureSmart Trip App that was unveiled today during a demonstration at Ottawa City Hall.

The AdventureSmart Trip App will increase safety awareness and spread prevention messages to Canadians. The app is currently available on iOS and Android devices for free download.

One of the app’s features is to produce a #TripPlan, that can be left with a responsible person when heading out on an outdoor adventure. A plan can help first responders and search and rescue volunteers find a lost or injured person.

Funding was provided through the Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund to SARVAC.  The funding announced today will also be used to update training for SAR volunteers, data collection and an e-learning platform.

The AdventureSmart program, delivered by SARVAC with support from Public Safety Canada, is a national program dedicated to encouraging Canadians and visitors to Canada to “Get informed and go outdoors.”  The three main tenets of the AdventureSmart program are Trip Planning, Training and Taking the Essentials (the three Ts).


“This project is about keeping Canadians safe.  We are developing a smarter approach to search and rescue incident prevention through modern, easily accessible platforms that provide prevention resources and tips. Ultimately, this will help more Canadians stay safe outdoors.”

- Karen McCrimmon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Management.

“I would like to extend a sincere thank you to the Government of Canada for the funding contribution to the development of the AdventureSmart Trip Plan App, and to all of the volunteers who continue to make the AdventureSmart program a success. With the AdventureSmart Trip Plan App, it will be easier and faster for people going out on an adventure to create a trip plan and share the information with emergency contacts to increase the success of a rescue if required.”

-  Paul French, National Prevention Coordinator, Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada

Quick facts

  • In Canada, search and rescue is a responsibility shared by governments, the military, volunteers, and industry groups.

  • There are approximately 15,000 Search and Rescue volunteers across Canada, representing ground, air and maritime domains.

  • Canada’s search and rescue area of responsibility is 18 million square kilometres of land and water, and includes the longest coastline in the world.

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Scott Bardsley
Senior Advisor for Communications
Office of the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

Media Relations
Public Safety Canada

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