Minister of Transport announces funding to improve freight transport at the Port of Windsor
News release
May 26, 2023 Windsor, Ontario Transport Canada
An efficient and reliable transportation system is essential to making life more affordable for Canadians and combatting the rising cost of living. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring our supply chains grow the economy and create good, middle-class jobs for Canadians, while making them resilient and adaptable to the effects of climate change.
Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced an investment of up to $12.5 million to the Essex Terminal Railway Company, from the National Trade Corridors Fund, for a Cargo Terminal Infrastructure Expansion project at the Port of Windsor.
The project will help build a new warehouse and expand the shorewall at the Port of Windsor. It aims to shift the transportation of goods from trucks to trains and ships, which will reduce pollution and congestion along the Highway 401 corridor. This will make it easier to move steel and aluminum products and attract potential new exports. Additionally, these improvements will prevent shoreline erosion and reduce the risk of flooding due to rising lake water levels caused by climate change. It will also enable the possibility of building a new cargo dock in the future that can be used for different purposes.
The Government of Canada continues to invest to make the country's supply chain stronger, to boost economic growth and to create more opportunities for our businesses to grow internationally. This represents another long-term commitment to work with stakeholders on important infrastructure projects to address transportation bottlenecks, vulnerabilities, and congestion along Canada’s trade corridors.
“Efficient and reliable transportation is crucial for affordable living and economic growth. This National Trade Corridors Fund investment will help shift towards more environmentally friendly transportation methods, while reducing congestion and emissions. By supporting this project, we contribute to Canada's economic progress, improve the environment, and make life more affordable for Canadians.”
The Honourable Omar Alghabra
Minister of Transport
"This significant federal investment grows jobs and solidifies Port Windsor's position as a key trade hub at the centre of North American supply chains and electric vehicle and battery manufacturing. This is another critical piece that unlocks our region's prosperity.”
Irek Kusmierczyk
Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion and Member of Parliament for Windsor–Tecumseh
“Morterm Limited and the Port of Windsor are excited and very appreciative of the National Trade Corridors Funding to improve Port infrastructure and expand operations, ensuring Windsor-Essex is well equipped and in a more desirable position to access new export markets. Further investment in our region will bring us even closer to bringing to fruition the multi-modal hub that this area needs — one that supports supply chains, reduces Port congestion, creates new jobs, and encourages economic development in sustainable and innovative ways.”
Tony De Thomasis
President and CEO, Essex Terminal Railway, Morterm Limited and Motipark Limited
“This is transformational for our region… Short-sea container shipping on the Great Lakes, and soon to be at Port Windsor, will relieve congestion in the supply chain, reduce GHG’s, and increase access to world markets for industry in Windsor and Essex County.”
Steve Salmons
President and Chief Executive Officer, Windsor Port Authority
Quick facts
The Government of Canada, through the National Trade Corridors Fund, is investing to help goods move smoothly throughout Canada's supply chains.
The National Trade Corridors Fund is a competitive, merit-based program designed to help infrastructure owners and users invest in the critical transportation assets that support economic activity in Canada. A total of $4.6 billion over 11 years (2017-2028) has been allocated to the program.
Through the National Trade Corridors Fund, Transport Canada is supporting improvements to Canada’s roads, rail, air, and marine shipping routes to foster domestic and international trade.
The National Trade Corridors Fund’s Increasing the Fluidity of Canada’s Supply Chains call for proposals supports fluid and reliable trade flows between Canada and global markets, as well as internal trade corridors.
In July 2022, the Government of Canada announced up to $5 million in funding under the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) to support a project at the Port of Windsor to increase warehousing capacity and speed up loading activities.
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Nadine Ramadan
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Omar Alghabra
Minister of Transport, Ottawa
Media Relations
Transport Canada, Ottawa
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