Government of Canada announces investment to support innovation in southern Alberta


September 5, 2019 – Calgary, Alberta – Western Economic Diversification Canada

The Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) program supports businesses at various stages of development to be more productive and competitive in both domestic and global markets. By providing interest free, repayable funding to help qualified companies grow and expand, WD is delivering on the Budget 2018 commitment to grow the western Canadian economy.

The Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program aims to create, grow, and nurture inclusive, interconnected systems that support business needs and foster an entrepreneurial environment conducive to innovation, growth, and competitiveness. Through RIE, we are making targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations that support businesses in priority sectors and in underrepresented groups.

The Western Diversification Program makes strategic investments in initiatives led by not-for-profit organizations that enhance and strengthen the economy of Western Canada. Through this program, the Government of Canada is supporting development, diversification, and job creation.

All funded projects indicated below are subject to negotiation of contribution agreements.

BSP program funding

Organization Location Project Description Investment
4iiii Innovations Inc. Cochrane Expansion of manufacturing processes and facilities. Increase sales and promotion of sports electronics and cloud-based data solutions. $2,515,000
Attabotics Inc. Calgary Open a second manufacturing facility to increase production of a robotic technology that reduces costs and inefficiencies in warehouses. $5,000,000
Barr-Ag Ltd. Olds Purchase specialized equipment to produce dehydrated corn silage and corn forage mixes for sale in international markets. $2,150,000
ConstructShield Products Corp. Calgary Increase automation for manufacturing of MEGCRETe High Performance Building System and expand sales and promotion. $2,172,500
Flexahopper Plastics Ltd. Lethbridge Improve productivity of rotomolding manufacturing process with a new Thermal-flex system. $1,330,000
Johnson Systems Inc. Calgary Launch the new PRESIDOR LED Dimming Control product line in North American and European markets. $400,000
Lighthouse Labs Inc. Calgary Expand operations in Calgary by offering coding boot camps and other programming courses. $712,500
Southland Trailer Corp. Lethbridge Scale-up the manufacturing capacity of gravel and highway trailer product lines, while also reducing waste. $3,000,000
Whole Leaf Ltd. Coaldale Purchase and install advanced technology for the production of greenhouse produce. $3,561,500
ZeroKey Inc. Calgary Commercialize Big Room, an IoT technology that uses a network of sensors to track the 3D movement of assets within large commercial/industrial spaces. $1,500,000
Total: $22,341,500

RIE program funding

Organization Location Project Description Investment
AcceleratorYYC (The Accelerator) Calgary Increase capacity to assist technology entrepreneurs and high-growth companies to scale-up from mid stages to growth stages by providing business acceleration programming and support. $261,333
Clean Resources Innovation Network Calgary Build capacity and innovation efforts within the clean resources cluster to increase adoption of clean resource technologies in the oil and gas sector. $450,684
Cybera Inc. Calgary Grow and advance Alberta's data science and artificial intelligence ecosystem and encourage the adoption of innovative digital technologies by Alberta-based businesses. $117,875
Decentralised Energy Canada Calgary Support 2019 Decentralised Energy Forum. $20,000
District Ventures Calgary Expand business accelerator and incubator to support more food, beverage, and health and wellness start-ups. $900,000
InterGen Canada Inc. Calgary Develop and launch a technology platform that offers support and guidance for rapidly scaling high-growth small and medium-sized enterprises in Calgary. $600,000
Pembina Institute
(Business Renewables Centre Canada)
Calgary Establish the Business Renewable Centre Canada, a modern marketplace where corporations and institutions can learn how to buy renewable energy directly from developers. $375,000
Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada (PTAC) Calgary Test and validate the usefulness of handheld, mobile, and airborne methane-detecting technologies in a variety of settings through a program called the Intelligent Methane Monitoring and Mitigation System. $800,000
Red Deer College Red Deer Expand the Centre for Innovation in Manufacturing into a regional hub for innovations services for central Alberta, which will provide industry with access to modern equipment and collaboration on applied research projects. $1,728,270
University of Calgary (Creative Destruction Labs Rockies) Calgary Increase capacity to accelerate more high-potential early-stage companies in sciences, clean tech and power. $1,000,000
University of Calgary (Life Sciences Innovation Hub) Calgary Accelerate the establishment of the Life Sciences Innovation Hub to support research-intensive startup and growing companies in southern Alberta by providing access to infrastructure, equipment, expertise and offering programs that assist start-ups to deliver commercially-viable products and services to market. $3,125,000
University of Calgary (W21C Research and Innovation Centre) Calgary Increase support for digital health innovations by engaging with industry and researchers in product testing, validation and assessments. $1,112,296
Village of Foremost Foremost Develop a flight test plan at the Foremost Unmanned Aerial Systems Test Range, which will test operator competency and evaluate drone collision avoidance technology to prepare operators for beyond visual line of sight operation. $600,000
Western Canadian Defence Industries Association Calgary Deliver aerospace and defence procurement workshops that prepare and connect small- and medium-sized enterprises, post-secondary institutions, and municipalities to new market opportunities in Canada's aerospace and defence procurement program. $250,000
Total: $11,340,458

WDP funding

Organization Location Project Description Investment
CMC Research Institutes Inc. Calgary Implement a business model that will help accelerate development and commercialization of innovative greenhouse gas-reducing technologies. $2,700,000
TECTERRA Calgary Purchase equipment to assist companies developing innovative geospatial technologies with an Internet of Things Test focus. $210,000
University of Calgary (Alberta Precision Exchange) Calgary Establish the Alberta Precision Exchange, which will help Alberta innovators and companies to commercialize new precision medicine technologies and processes. $2,010,000
Total: $4,920,000


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News release: Government of Canada supports southern Alberta's innovative businesses and organizations

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Donna Kinley
Regional Communications Manager
Western Economic Diversification Canada

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