Dr. Ojistoh Kahnawahere Horn

Ojistoh Kahnawahere Horn

Ojistoh Kahnawahere Horn is a Mohawk/Haudenosaunee woman. Her mother is from Kahnawake and her father is from Akwesasne. She is Bear Clan, has many children, and is traditionally minded. Ojistoh works as a family physician in the Kahnawake and Akwesasne communities taking care of her people through all stages of the lifecycle, including prenatal, obstetric care, geriatric, and palliative care. Previously focusing on acute care in the hospital wards and emergency rooms, she now focuses her time in outpatient clinics, homes, and long-term care facilities of her community. She teaches students and residents from the medical schools at the universities of McGill, Ottawa, and Queen’s about the complexities of providing primary care to Indigenous peoples and their communities. Drawing on both Western and traditional paradigms, working with like-minded Indigenous and non-Indigenous physicians across the country, and with a clear eye on the effects of the environment and pollution on health, Ojistoh promotes the inclusion and support of traditional knowledge and “ways of being” into a framework for providing wholistic and primary care to her people.

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