Canada’s first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan

Canada’s first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan (Transcript)

November 2017

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers a formal, historic apology on behalf of Canada for discrimination against LGBTQ2 people in our country.

This is a catalyst for progress.

This apology is rapidly followed by the adoption of legal protection for gender identity and gender expression under the Canadian Human Rights Act.

That same year, the Government of Canada creates the LGBTQ2 Secretariat. The Secretariat helps keep the government informed on issues that are important to communities. It also helps integrate related considerations into the everyday work of the Government of Canada.

In 2018, a new law is passed to make sure that those convicted of crimes unfairly—including LGBTQ2 people—would be able to have their convictions removed from the record.

In 2019, the Government of Canada creates the first federal program dedicated to LGBTQ2 communities and organizations, advancing rights and equality.

At the start of 2022, conversion therapy is criminalized in Canada.

August 2022

We’re continuing to build on this progress, working together with communities to strive towards a more equal and inclusive Canada.

To that end, we’re thrilled to present:

Canada’s first Federal 2SLGBTQI+ Action Plan… Building Our Future, with Pride.

The Federal Action Plan is a guided approach to improve 2SLGBTQI+ equity in collaboration with federal departments and agencies.

So, what’s in the Plan?

The Plan focuses on six priority areas:

  • Prioritize and sustain community action
  • Continue to advance and strengthen rights at home and abroad
  • Support Indigenous resilience and resurgence
  • Engage everyone in Canada in fostering an inclusive future
  • Strengthen data- and evidence-based policy-making
  • Embed community issues into the work of the Government of Canada

And so much more.

Based on the largest public consultation with 2SLGBTQI+ communities in Canadian history, the Action Plan is a guide that will inspire and inform Canada’s actions towards equality for years to come.

Learn more about our Action Plan at

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