Introduction to Gender-based Analysis Plus online training references

References cited

Module 1: Sex and gender - A place to begin

Sex, Gender and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD)

Chang, Anna Marie et al., "Gender bias in cardiovascular testing persists after adjustment for presenting characteristics and cardiac risk," Academic Emergency Medicine 14, 7 (2007): 599-605.

Health Canada, "Exploring Concepts of Gender and Health, Ch.7, Case study #1: A research case study, Cardiovascular Disease," (2003). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Tecce MA, et al., "Heart disease in older women. Gender differences affect diagnosis and treatment," Geriatrics 18, 12 (December 2003): 33 - 39.

Module 2: Moving beyond sex and gender

Canadian Board Diversity Council. 2016 Report Card.

Abdel-Magied, Yassmin, “What does my headscarf mean to you?,” TEDxTalks, (January 2015). Accessed August 2018.

Canada Research Chairs, “Unconscious bias training module,” accessed August 2018.

Crenshaw, Kimberlé, “The urgency of intersectionality,” TEDTalks (October 2016). Accessed August 2018.

Funchess, Melanie, “Implict bias – how it effects us and how we push through,” TEDxTalks (October 2014). Accessed August 2018.

Government of Canada interdepartmental working group

Hankivsky, Olena. Intersectionality 101. Accessed August 2018.

Kepinski, Lisa, and Nielsen, Tinna C. “Unconscious bias awareness training is hot, but the outcome is not: so what to do about it?”. Accessed August 2018.

Maschka, Kristin, “How I Learned to Love Unconscious Bias,” TEDxTalks (September 2015). Accessed August 2018.

Ontario Human Rights Commission. Appendix 1: Glossary of human rights terms. Accessed August 2018.

Powell, Juliette, “It’s About Time We Challenge Our Unconscious Biases,” TEDxTalks (November 2016). Accessed August 2018.

Pressner, Kristen, “Are you biased? I am.” TEDxTalks (August 30, 2016). Accessed August 2018.

Women and Gender Equality Canada. Demystifying GBA Plus Job Aid,. Accessed August 2018.

The Royal Society, “Understanding unconscious bias,” (November 2015). Accessed August 2018.

Tolstoi-Miller, Gail, “Unconscious bias: Stereotypical hiring practices,” TEDxTalks (May 2017). Accessed August 2018.

US Human Rights Network and Rutgers Center for Women's Global Leadership. Framing Questions on Intersectionality.

Module 3: What is GBA Plus?

Forest sector case study

Parsons, Reginald, and Prest, Gordon. "Aboriginal forestry in Canada." The Forestry Chronicle 79, 4 (July/August 2003): 779-784.

Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Aboriginal Communities and Forestry. Date: 2010.

Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Forests. Date unknown, "Date Modified: 2014-01-22."

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. A Vision for Canada’s Forests 2008 and Beyond. Ottawa: 2008.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management in Canada – 6.3 Forest Community Well-Being and Resilience. Date: 2005.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. Marking Canada’s Progress in Sustainable Forest Management. Date: 2010.

Canadian Council of Forest Ministers. Measuring our progress: Putting sustainable forest management into practice across Canada and beyond. Date: 2008.

Huq, Farah. Skills Shortage in Canada’s Forest Sector . Ottawa: Natural Resources Canada, 2007.

Bailie, Anna, et al. "Benchmarking Trends In Aboriginal Forestry." The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development 7, 2 (Fall 2011): 114-124.

Canada. Natural Resources Canada. A Gender-Based Analysis of the First Nations Forestry Program [draft]. August 2010.

Bailia, Anna. "Engaging Aboriginal Women in Forestry." Presentation to Status of Women Canada. Ottawa, May 30, 2012.

Wyatt, Stephen. "First Nations, forest lands, and aboriginal forestry in Canada: from exclusion to comanagement and beyond." Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38,  2 (January 2008): 171-180.

Canada. Natural Resources Canada. Canadian Forest Service: Legality and sustainability. Date unknown, "Date Modified: 2013-04-16." Accessed June 6, 2013.

Bombay, Harry. "Many things to many people: Aboriginal forestry in Canada is looking toward balanced solutions." Cultural Survival Quarterly 17.1 (spring 1993).

Varghese, J., and Reed, M. "Theorizing the implications of gender order for sustainable forest management." International Journal of Forestry Research 2012 (2012): 1-11.

Mills, S. "Restructuring in the forest sector and the re-shaping of women’s work identities." The Canadian Geographer 56, 1 (2012): 39-57.

Youth and Sport Participation Case Study

Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute and ParticipACTION, "Participation in physical activity and sport among adolescent girls," The Research File, 08-08/11 (August 1, 2011). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology, "Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines". Accessed May 28, 2012.

Clark, Warren, "Kids’ sports," Statistics Canada. Canadian Social Trends (June 2008).

Guevremont, Anne, Findlay, Leanne and Kohen, Dafna, "Organized extracurricular activities of Canadian children and youth," Statistics Canada. Health Reports, 19, 3 (September 2008).

Sever, Charlie, Bridge-IDS, University of Sussex, UK, "Gender and Sport, Mainstreaming Gender in Sports Projects," Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (2005). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Statistics Canada, "National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth: Participation in Activities," (1998/99). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Sport Canada, Canadian Heritage, "Investing in Sport Participation, A Discussion Paper," (January 2004).

Woods, Ronald B., "Social Issues in Sport," Human Kinetics 2 (May 5, 2011).

Module 4: What does GBA Plus look like "on the ground"?

Emergency preparedness case study

Gender and emergencies

Bryne, Bridget and Baden, Sally, "Gender, Emergencies and Humanitarian Assistance," BRIDGE. Report no. 33. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex (November 1995). Accessed June 12, 2012

Canadian Red Cross, "Integrating Emergency Management and High-risk populations: Survey Report and Action Recommendations," Public Safety Canada (Dec 2007). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Enarson, Elaine and Margaret Haworth-Brockman, "Gender Mainstreaming In Emergency Management: Opportunities for Building Community Resilience in Canada," Public Health Agency of Canada, Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response (2008). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Enarson, Elaine, "Gender Mainstreaming in Emergency Management: A Training Module for Emergency Planners," Women and Health Care Reform and Prairie Women’s Health Centre of Excellence. Accessed May 28, 2012.

Inter-Agency Standing Committee, "Women, Girls, Boys and Men Different Needs – Equal Opportunities," Gender Handbook in Humanitarian Action (2006). Accessed May 28, 2012.

WHO, Department of Gender and Women’s Health, "Gender considerations in disaster assessment," (January 11, 2005). Accessed May 28, 2012.

WHO, Department of Women’s Health, "Gender and Health in Disasters," (July 2002). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Women and Health Care Reform, "Not just victims: Women in Emergencies and Disasters," (2009). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Responses to emergency warnings

Bateman, Julie M., and Edwards, Bob, "Gender and Evacuation: A Closer Look at Why Women Are More Likely to Evacuate for Hurricanes," National Hazards Review 3, 3 (August 2002): 107-117.

Enarson, Elaine, "Women, Gender and Disaster Risk Communication," Gender Disaster Network (October 2009). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Enarson, Elaine, "The Survival and Social Studies Institute, Fact Sheet: Women and Disaster," (June 2006). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Gender differences in risk assessment

Enarson, Elaine, "Women, Gender & Disaster: Men & Masculinities," Gender Disaster Network (October 2009). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Harris, Christine R., Jenkins, Michael, University of California, San Diego and Dale Glaser, Glaser Consulting Firm, "Male risk assessment: Gender Differences in Risk Assessment: Why do Women Take Fewer Risks than Men?" Judgement and Decision Making, 1, 1 (July 2006): 48-63.

Violence against women in disasters

Enarson, Elaine, "Violence Against Women in Disasters," (2006).

Module 5: Putting GBA Plus into practice

Scenario exercise

Leading causes of death

Statistics Canada, "Leading Causes of Death in Canada 2007," (2010). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Statistics Canada, "Women and Health," Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report (2011). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Cardiovascular disease and women

Canadian Institute for Health Information, "Women’s Health Surveillance Report: A Multi-dimensional Look at the Health of Canadian Women," CIHI (2003). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes in First Nations, Inuit and Métis

Heart and Stroke Foundation, "First Nations, Inuit and Métis Resources," (2011). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Statistics Canada, "First Nations, Métis and Inuit," Women in Canada: A Gender-based Statistical Report (2011). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Riediger, N.D., Bruce, S.G. and T.K. Young, "Cardiovascular risk according to plasma apolipoprotein and lipid profiles in a Canadian First Nation," Public Health Agency of Canada: Chronic Diseases in Canada 31, 1 (December 2010). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Cardiovascular disease, diabetes and women

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, "Diabetes and your Heart," (2011). Accessed May 28, 2012.

Gender differences in cardiovascular disease

Giuseppe, Barbaro and Giuseppe M.C. Rosano, "Gender Differences in Cardiovascular Diseases. A Need for Action," Current Pharmaceutical Design 17, 11 (2011): 1045. Accessed May 28, 2012.

Optional mule: Building a framework to support GBA Plus in your organization

Public security organization case study

Martin, Keith, "Adapting to diversity in policing- duty firearms and equipment design," (2013)

Montgomery, Ruth, "Gender Audits in Policing Organizations," (2012).

Statistics Canada, "Police Resources in Canada," (2012).


We would like to thank all those who contributed to this project.

Main contributors

Women and Gender Equality Canada uses the term "Gender-based Analysis Plus", using the "plus" to highlight that this type of analysis, formerly known simply as GBA, goes beyond gender. GBA Plus is derived from the term "gender+".

The term "gender+" was used in Europe by a leading group of academics known as QUING (Quality in Gender+ Equality Policies) from 2006 to 2012. It is the term used to "emphasize the intersectionality of gender with other categories."

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